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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Incense burner and evaporator <br>In steam therapy, cinnamon leaf essential oil can treat more severe bronchitis, colds, and sneezing; it also helps to invigorate the spirit and restore physical strength. <br><br>Compound oil or added ingredients to do in the tub of <br>cinnamon leaf oil can do compound massage oil or added ingredients in the bath, for the treatment of bronchitis, diarrhea, chills, infection, influenza, rheumatism and arthritis. Because it has a strong antiseptic and sterilizing effect, it has a significant effect on the treatment of infectious diseases. In addition, it is also of great use in smoothing digestive tract spasm and nausea and vomiting. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and has analgesic effect on muscle and joint pain caused by rheumatism and arthritis. Use with care to prevent allergic reactions to skin and cat membranes. <br><br>The added ingredients for making a cream or moisturizer are <br>similar to the above-mentioned therapeutic effects and methods. When the cream or moisturizer is made according to a certain formula, cinnamon leaf essential oil helps to treat the pain of the digestive system, rheumatism and arthritis. It can also treat colds and flu. <br><br>Essential oils <br>benzoin, clove, coriander, coriander, adzuki bean, frankincense, ginger, grape seed, lavender, rosemary and thyme essential oils suitable for use with cinnamon leaf essential oil.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Incense furnaces and evaporators<br>In steam therapy, cinnamon leaf essential oils can treat more severe bronchitis, colds and sneezing;<br><br>Make compound oil or add ingredients in a bath<br>Cinnamon leaf essential oil can be used as a compound massage oil or added ingredients in the bath to treat bronchitis, dysentery, chills, infections, influenza, rheumatism and arthritis. Because it has a strong anti-corrosion and sterilization effect, it has a significant effect on the treatment of infectious diseases. In addition, in the gentle digestive tract spasms, nausea and vomiting also have a great deal of use. It stimulates the secretion of digestive fluids and has an anti-pain effect on muscle and joint pain caused by rheumatism and arthritis. Use carefully to prevent allergic reactions to the skin and cat membranes.<br><br>Add-ons to make creams or moisturizers<br>Similar to the above therapeutic efficacy and method, cinnamon leaf essential oils help treat the pain of the digestive system, rheumatism and arthritis when made into creams or moisturizers according to a certain formula. It can also treat colds and flu.<br><br>Essential oils suitable for mixing with cinnamon leaf essential oils<br>Rest in incense, cloves, dates, small bean U, frankincense, ginger, grape seeds, lavender, rosemary and thyme essential oils.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
Incense burner and evaporator<br>In steam therapy, cinnamon leaf essential oil can treat more serious bronchitis, cold and sneezing; it can also help to invigorate the spirit and restore physical strength.<br>Make compound oil or add ingredients to bath<br>Cinnamomum cassia leaf essential oil can be used as a compound massage oil or as an additive in a bath for the treatment of bronchitis, dysentery, shivering, infection, influenza, rheumatism and arthritis. Because of its strong antiseptic and bactericidal effect, it has a significant effect on the treatment of infectious diseases. In addition, it has great value in relieving gastrointestinal spasm, nausea and vomiting. It can stimulate the secretion of digestive juice, and has analgesic effect on muscle and joint pain caused by rheumatism and arthritis. It should be used with care to prevent allergic reaction of skin and cat membrane.<br>Add ingredients to cream or moisturizer.<br>Similar to the above therapeutic efficacy and method, cinnamon leaf essential oil helps to treat pain in digestive system, rheumatism and arthritis when formulated with cream or lotion. It can also treat colds and flu.<br>Essential oil suitable for blending with Cinnamomum cassia leaf essential oil<br>Benzoin, cloves, coriander, adzuki bean U, frankincense, ginger, grape seed, lavender, rosemary and thyme essential oil.<br>
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