

源语言: -
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
In ancient times, the basic ideas cultivated and formed in the process of cultivating peace, respecting the time and keeping the position, knowing perpetual changes, developing things and making achievements, and making contributions, such as the idea of ​​reforming the old and advancing with the times, the idea of ​​down-to-earth, seeking truth from facts, and benefiting the people The idea of ​​benefiting and enriching the people, Taoism, nature, and the idea of ​​harmony between man and nature, etc., provide useful enlightenment for understanding and transforming the world, and to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture. We must vigorously promote benevolence, respect for the people, honesty and respect. The core ideas of justice, harmony, and greatness are the same.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
The basic ideas cultivated and formed in the process of repairing Qizhiping, respecting the times, knowing the change, opening up the work, building a successful career, such as the idea of being new and advancing with the times, the idea of down-to-earth, realistic thinking, the thought of benefiting the people of the people, and the people of an prosperity. In order to provide useful enlightenment for the understanding and transformation of the world, inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture, we must vigorously promote the core idea of charity, re-populism, integrity, justice, harmony, and seeking greatness.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
In ancient times, the basic ideas and ideas cultivated and formed in the process of self-discipline, respecting time and position, knowing constant changes, making things work and making contributions, such as the thought of reforming the old and bringing forth new ideas, keeping pace with the times, down-to-earth and seeking truth from facts, benefiting and enriching the people, the thought of benefiting and enriching the people, and the idea of the unity of nature and nature, which provide beneficial enlightenment, inheritance and development for the understanding and transformation of the world In order to promote the excellent traditional culture, we must vigorously carry forward the core ideas of benevolence, people-oriented, honesty, justice, harmony and harmony.
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