

源语言: -
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Marriage of <BR>Bai People There are three forms of marriage of Bai people: one is to marry a daughter to a male family, which forms the majority; the other is to recruit aunts to come to the house. This situation is mainly because the female parents do not have sons, and even if there are, they are insane and sick. , So I invited my aunt to come. The aunt who came to the house must be replaced by the woman’s surname, and then the woman’s elder would re-name; the third is the form of “returning the account to the door”, that is, the wife and the husband took the tent and bedding back to the woman’s house seven days after the marriage between the man and the woman. . Although the woman's family has brothers, but she is too young and her parents are old, she has to "roll back to the door" to support the elderly and take care of the younger siblings. After the younger brother grew up and got married, the man took his wife back to his life. These three forms of marriage have a long history and are still in use today. However, regardless of the type of marriage, the marriage period and the wedding process are basically the same. It's just that the aunt recruited was a woman marrying a man, not a man marrying a woman. The roles of the two sides were exchanged.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
White marriage<BR>There are three forms of marriage of the Bai people: one is to marry their daughter to the male home, this form accounts for the majority; The door-to-door aunt must change to the woman's surname, and then by the woman's elders re-name, and third is the "re-account ingenuity back door" form, that is, the husband married seven days after the wife with her husband, was returned to the woman's house to live. Because although the woman's family has brothers, but too young, parents are old, had to "roll back the door" to support the elderly and take care of young siblings. When the younger brother grew up and married, the man took his wife back to live in the man's house. These three forms of marriage have a long history and are still used. But regardless of the form of marriage, the marriage and the process of the wedding are basically the same. It's just that the aunt is a woman married to a man, not a man, and the roles of the two sides are interchanged.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
The marriage of Bai nationality<BR>There are three forms of marriage in Bai Nationality: one is to marry a daughter to a man's family, which accounts for the majority; the other is to invite an uncle to come. This situation is mainly because the female parents have no son, even if they have, they are stupid, sick and disabled. The third is the form of "rolling accounts back to the door", that is, seven days after marriage, the wife takes her husband with her tent and bedding back to her home. Although the wife's family had brothers, they were too young and their parents were old, so they had to "roll up the accounts and go back to the door" to support the elderly and take care of their younger siblings. When the younger brother grew up and got married, the man took his wife back to live with him. These three forms of marriage have a long history and are still in use. But no matter what kind of marriage form it belongs to, the wedding date and the wedding process are basically the same. It's just that women marry men, not men marry women, and the roles of both sides are exchanged.<BR>
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