

源语言: -
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
The five highest populations of Altingia genetic diversity is located near Wuyi Mountain area east of the veins, followed by near the area east of the Xuefeng Mountains and yu Mountains, while the eastern coastal areas showed the lowest genetic diversity. By comparing the genetic diversity of the region, results showed that close to the mountains east of Mount Wuyi Mountains is likely to be a hot centers of genetic diversity Pterospermum distribution, the lower edge of the genetic diversity of populations may be due to geographical isolation, small population size or due to founder effect. And Wuyi has long been considered an important refugia [58]. Comprehensive information is known, the Wuyi mountains near the east is likely to be an important glacial refuge Pterospermum due to the effect of blocking the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian area of ​​glacial cold, the diffusion line after the Ice Age is based on the diffusion outward Fujian but in the diffusion process has undergone biological interference, and that needs to subsequent chloroplast and mitochondrial genome data to support this hypothesis.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
The five populations with the highest genetic diversity in semi-maple load sit near the eastern part of the Wuyi Mountains, followed by those near the SnowY Peak Mountains and the Lushan Mountains, while the eastern coastal areas show the lowest genetic diversity. By comparing the genetic diversity between regions, the results show that the mountains east of Wuyi Mountain are likely to be the hot spots of the genetic diversity distribution of semi-maple load, and the lower genetic diversity of marginal populations may be due to geographical isolation, small population size, or the founder effect. And the Wuyi Mountains have traditionally been considered one of the most important biological sanctuaries. Combined with known information, the mountainous area east of Wuyi Mountain is most likely an important ice-age shelter in the semi-maple load, because wuyi Mountain blocked the effect of low temperature of the ice age on Fujian, the diffusion route after the ice age is based on the outward diffusion of Fujian region, but in the process of diffusion has experienced biological interference phenomenon, This requires subsequent data from the chloroform and mitochondrial genomes to support this hypothesis.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
The five populations with the highest genetic diversity were located in the east of Wuyi Mountains, followed by Xuefeng mountains and Yushan mountains, while the eastern coastal areas showed the lowest genetic diversity. By comparing the genetic diversity among regions, the results showed that the mountain area to the east of Wuyishan mountains is likely to be the hot spot of the genetic diversity distribution of schizophrenia superba. The lower genetic diversity of marginal population may be caused by geographical isolation, too small population size or founder effect. Moreover, Wuyishan vein has always been considered as one of the important biological shelters [58]. According to the known information, the mountain area to the east of Wuyi Mountains is likely to be an important ice age shelter for Schima superba. Because Wuyi Mountains block the impact of ice age low temperature on Fujian Province, the diffusion route after the ice age is based on the outward diffusion of Fujian Province, but in the diffusion process, it has experienced biological interference phenomenon, which requires subsequent data of chloroplast and mitochondrial genome To support this assumption.<br>
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