

前言胃癌,作为一种来源于胃粘膜上皮细胞的恶性肿瘤,是全球癌症死亡的主要原因之一(1),发病率居世界第五,仅次于肺癌、乳腺癌、结直肠癌和前列腺癌[1-2]。随着科学技术和生物技术的进步,胃癌的早期诊断水平有所提高,显著提高可见于5年生存率。尽管如此,5年生存率仅为30%左右归功于进展期胃癌易复发转移,[3-4]。肿瘤的局部复发和远处转移可能是最常见的死亡原因(6)。胃癌的癌变和进展涉及环境和遗传因素,是多步骤的过程(7-9)。胃癌患者的生存和预后迄今为止被通过化疗,放疗,手术,分子靶向治疗和免疫治疗极大地改善了,但其潜在的分子机制尚不清楚,进一步研究需要被开展(10)。这是,因此,具有重要意义来研究参与转移、肿瘤进展和侵袭的基因,以及确定这些基因在治疗和预测胃癌预后中的作用的分子机制。努力目前正在被做出以寻找这种特殊入侵行为的分子调节因子。其中一种方法是寻找可能成为未来抗癌治疗目标的肌动蛋白调节蛋白。在多种细胞过程中,formin蛋白家族协调肌动蛋白细胞骨架的重排。肌动蛋白细胞骨架的重塑关在细胞迁移中是至重要的,这是由肌动蛋白调控蛋白介导的,这些蛋白在不同的细胞位置活跃。Formins,作为高度保守的肌动蛋白核化蛋白,通常发现于所有真核生物。单个formins通常是不活跃的,直到被Rho GTPases激活或磷酸化。Rho GTPases在形成肌动蛋白丝方面具有多种生化和功能特性,例如重塑不同细胞间室的细胞骨架,控制应力纤维的装配、粘附点的形成和癌细胞的运动。然而,formin蛋白在临床肿瘤组织中的作用尚未得到广泛关注。研究发现,与FHOD1 (formin同源性2结构域含蛋白1)结构相似的formin蛋白FMNL2在结肠癌组织中高表达,与其转移[9]有关。尽管有上述发现[10-13],但缺乏评价对于FHOD1在胃癌中的临床病理意义总体上,其作用的分子机制也未完全了解。在本研究中,癌症基因组图谱(Cancer Genome Atlas, TCGA)数据被利用以分析了FHOD1在GC中的表达。胃癌患者的总体生存率与FHOD1的表达的关系借助前期panomics实验所得的胃癌患者数据被分析了。FHOD1在GC中的作用通过一系列实验被探讨了。这一结果为解释GC的发病机制提供了重要信息,并揭示了FHOD1可能是治疗胃癌的潜在新靶点。讨论本研究被开展带着其主要目的是研究FHOD1在人胃癌细胞中的生物学作用,并阐明FHOD1在胃癌发展中的作用。胃癌通常是一个多因素的过程,涉及细胞外基质降解、传播、基底膜、细胞粘附、血管生成和运动等过程(21-25)。这是,因此,至关重要以识别新的生物标志物对于改善胃癌患者的临床结果。Formins是高度保守的肌动蛋白核化蛋白,存在于所有真核生物中。formins的活性是由Rho GTPases调控的,一种在不同细胞间隔内重塑细胞骨架的分子开关。Rho GTPases可控制应力纤维的组装、黏附灶的形成和癌细胞的运动模式Maria Gardberg et al发现formin家族成员fhod1在鳞状细胞癌EMT中上调,并影响了EMT的形态和功能特征:肌动蛋白组织、细胞迁移和降解细胞外基质的能力FHOD1可能介导多种癌症类型的癌相关EMT中细胞骨架的改变和迁移特性FHOD1较早被发现参与迁移或侵袭,并在基底样乳腺癌[15]的临床肿瘤组织中上调,此外,FHOD1在口腔鳞状细胞癌和黑色素瘤中也被发现表达,在体外也参与迁移/侵袭[13,20]。在本研究中,对TCGA数据库的筛查显示,与邻近的非肿瘤组织相比,FHOD1在GC组织中的表达水平显著升高。此外,FHOD1在HGC27及MKN45细胞系中中度表达。
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Preface <br>Gastric cancer, as a malignant tumor derived from epithelial cells of the gastric mucosa, is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in the world (1). Its incidence ranks fifth in the world, second only to lung cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer. [1-2]. <br><br>With the advancement of science and technology and biotechnology, the level of early diagnosis of gastric cancer has improved, and a significant increase can be seen in the 5-year survival rate. <br><br>Nevertheless, the 5-year survival rate is only about 30% due to the easy recurrence and metastasis of advanced gastric cancer [3-4]. <br><br>Local recurrence and distant metastasis of tumors may be the most common causes of death (6). <br><br>The carcinogenesis and progression of gastric cancer involve environmental and genetic factors, and is a multi-step process (7-9). <br><br>The survival and prognosis of gastric cancer patients have so far been greatly improved by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, molecular targeted therapy and immunotherapy, but the underlying molecular mechanism is still unclear, and further research needs to be carried out (10). <br><br>This is, therefore, of great significance to study genes involved in metastasis, tumor progression and invasion, as well as to determine the molecular mechanism of the role of these genes in the treatment and prognosis of gastric cancer. <br><br>Efforts are currently being made to find molecular regulators of this particular invasion behavior. <br><br>One way is to look for actin regulatory proteins that may become targets for future anti-cancer treatments. In many cellular processes, the formin protein family coordinates the rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton. <br>The remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton is crucial in cell migration, which is mediated by actin regulatory proteins, which are active in different cell locations. <br><br><br>Formins, as highly conserved actin nucleating proteins, are usually found in all eukaryotes. <br><br>Individual formins are usually inactive until activated or phosphorylated by Rho GTPases. <br><br>Rho GTPases have a variety of biochemical and functional properties in the formation of actin filaments, such as remodeling the cytoskeleton of different cell compartments, controlling the assembly of stress fibers, the formation of adhesion points, and the movement of cancer cells.<br><br>However, the role of formin protein in clinical tumor tissues has not received widespread attention. <br><br><br>Studies have found that the formin protein FMNL2, which is structurally similar to FHOD1 (formin homology 2 domain containing protein 1), is highly expressed in colon cancer tissues and is related to its metastasis [9]. <br><br>Despite the above findings [10-13], the lack of evaluation has generally not fully understood the clinical and pathological significance of FHOD1 in gastric cancer. <br><br>In this study, Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data was used to analyze the expression of FHOD1 in GC. <br><br>The relationship between the overall survival rate of gastric cancer patients and the expression of FHOD1 was analyzed with the help of gastric cancer patient data obtained from the previous panomics experiment. <br><br><br>The role of FHOD1 in GC was explored through a series of experiments. This result provides important information for explaining the pathogenesis of GC and reveals that FHOD1 may be a potential new target for the treatment of gastric cancer. <br><br>Discussion <br><br>This study was carried out with its main purpose to study the biological role of FHOD1 in human gastric cancer cells and to clarify the role of FHOD1 in the development of gastric cancer. <br><br>Gastric cancer is usually a multifactorial process involving the degradation, spread, basement membrane, cell adhesion, angiogenesis, and movement of the extracellular matrix (21-25). <br><br>This is, therefore, crucial to identify new biomarkers for improving the clinical outcome of gastric cancer patients. <br>Formins are highly conserved actin nucleated proteins, which exist in all eukaryotes. <br>The activity of formins is regulated by Rho GTPases, a molecular switch that reshapes the cytoskeleton in different cell compartments. Rho GTPases can control the assembly of stress fibers, the formation of adhesion foci, and the movement pattern of cancer cells. <br>Maria Gardberg et al found that fhod1, a member of the formin family, is upregulated in squamous cell carcinoma EMT, and affects the morphological and functional characteristics of EMT: actin The ability of tissues, cells to migrate and degrade extracellular matrix<br><br>FHOD1 may mediate changes in the cytoskeleton and migration characteristics of cancer-related EMT in a variety of cancer types. <br>FHOD1 was found to be involved in migration or invasion earlier, and was upregulated in clinical tumor tissues of basal-like breast cancer [15]. In addition, FHOD1 is It has also been found to be expressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, and is also involved in migration/invasion in vitro [13,20]. <br><br>In this study, the screening of the TCGA database showed that the expression level of FHOD1 in GC tissues was significantly higher than that of adjacent non-tumor tissues. In addition, FHOD1 is moderately expressed in HGC27 and MKN45 cell lines.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Objective.<br>Stomach cancer, as a malignant tumor derived from the epithelat cells of the stomach mucous membrane, is one of the leading causes of cancer death (1) in the world, with the fifth highest incidence rate in the world, after lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancers.<br><br>With the progress of science and technology and biotechnology, the early diagnosis level of stomach cancer has been improved, which can be seen in the five-year survival rate.<br><br>Nevertheless, the five-year survival rate is only about 30% due to the easy recurrence and metastasis of developing stage stomach cancer.<br><br>Local recurrence and distant metastasis of tumors may be the most common causes of death (6).<br><br>The cancer and progression of stomach cancer involves environmental and genetic factors and is a multi-step process (7-9).<br><br>The survival and prognostication of patients with stomach cancer has been greatly improved so far through chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, molecular targeting therapy and immunotherapy, but their underlying molecular mechanisms are not yet known and further research is needed (10).<br><br>This is, therefore, important to study the molecular mechanisms involved in metastasis, tumor progress and invasion, and to determine the role of these genes in the treatment and prediction of gastric cancer prognosmation.<br><br>Efforts are currently being made to find molecular regulators for this particular intrusion.<br><br>One way to do this is to look for an action protein that could be a target for future anti-cancer treatments. In a variety of cellular processes, the formin protein family coordinates the rearracing of the tumor protein cytoskeletal skeleton.<br>The remodeling of the amyoglobin cytoskelete is important in cell migration, which is mediated by the myoglobin regulatory proteins, which are active at different cell locations.<br><br>Formins, as a highly conservative actoprotein nucleation protein, is usually found in all eosymical organisms.<br><br>Individualformins are usually inactive until activated or phosphate by Rho GTPases.<br><br>Rho GTPases has a variety of biotic and functional properties in the formation of myocardial protein filaments, such as remodeling the cytoskeletes of different cell chambers to control the assembly of stress fibers, the formation of adhesion points, and the movement of cancer cells.<br><br>However, the role of formin protein in clinical tumor tissue has not been widely concerned.<br><br>The study found that the formin protein FMNL2, similar to the structure of FHOD1 (formin homois 2 domain containing protein 1), was highly expressed in colon cancer tissue and was associated with its metastasis.<br><br>Despite the above findings, the molecular mechanism of the role of FHOD1 in gastric cancer is not fully understood in general.<br><br>In this study, Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data was used to analyze the expression of FHOD1 in GC.<br><br>The relationship between the overall survival rate of gastric cancer patients and the expression of FHOD1 was analyzed by using data from the previous panomics experiment.<br><br>The role of FHOD1 in GC has been explored through a series of experiments. The results provide important information to explain the pathogenesis of GC and reveal that FHOD1 may be a potential new target for the treatment of stomach cancer.<br><br>Discuss.<br><br>The main purpose of this study was to study the biological role of FHOD1 in human stomach cancer cells and to clarify the role of FHOD1 in the development of stomach cancer.<br><br>Gastric cancer is usually a multi-factor process involving the degradation, transmission, substrate membrane, cell adhesion, angiogenesy and movement of extracellular substrates (21-25).<br><br>This is, therefore, critical to identify new biomarkers for improving clinical outcomes in patients with stomach cancer.<br>Formins is a highly conservative fibrin nucleated protein found in all eosymical organisms.<br>The activity of formins is regulated by Rho GTPases, a molecular switch that reshapes the cytostebrae within different cell spacings. Rho GTPases controls the assembly of stress fibers, the formation of adhesive stoves, and the movement patterns of cancer cells.<br>Maria Gardberg et al found that fhod1, a member of the formin family, was raised in squamous cell carcinoma EMT and affected the morphological and functional characteristics of EMT: the ability of the amyorotein tissue, cell migration, and degradation of the extracellular substation.<br><br>FHOD1 may mediate changes and migration characteristics of cytostebrae in various cancer-related EMTs.<br>FHOD1 was earlier found to be involved in migration or invasion, and was raised in the clinical tumor tissue of substrate-like breast cancer, in addition, FHOD1 was also found to be expressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, as well as in in-body involvement in migration/invasion.<br><br>In this study, screening of the TCGA database showed a significant increase in the level of expression of FHOD1 in GC tissue compared to neighboring non-tumor tissue. In addition, FHOD1 is moderately expressed in HGC27 and MKN45 cell line.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
preface<br>Gastric cancer, as a malignant tumor originates from gastric epithelial cells, is one of the main causes of cancer death worldwide (1), the incidence rate is fifth in the world, second only to lung cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer [1-2].<br>With the progress of science and technology and biotechnology, the early diagnosis of gastric cancer has been improved, which can be seen in the 5-year survival rate.<br>However, the 5-year survival rate is only about 30%, which is due to the recurrence and metastasis of advanced gastric cancer.<br>Local recurrence and distant metastasis may be the most common causes of death (6).<br>The carcinogenesis and progression of gastric cancer involves environmental and genetic factors, which is a multi-step process (7-9).<br>The survival and prognosis of patients with gastric cancer have been greatly improved by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, molecular targeted therapy and immunotherapy, but the underlying molecular mechanism is still unclear, and further research needs to be carried out (10).<br>Therefore, it is of great significance to study the genes involved in metastasis, tumor progression and invasion, as well as to determine the molecular mechanism of the role of these genes in the treatment and prognosis of gastric cancer.<br>Efforts are being made to find molecular regulators of this particular invasion.<br>One of the methods is to search for actin regulatory proteins which may be the target of future anticancer therapy. In a variety of cellular processes, the formin family coordinates actin cytoskeleton rearrangement.<br>Actin cytoskeleton remodeling is crucial in cell migration, which is mediated by actin regulatory proteins, which are active in different cell locations.<br>Formins, as a highly conserved actin nucleoprotein, is usually found in all eukaryotes.<br>Single formins are usually inactive until they are activated or phosphorylated by Rho GTPases.<br>Rho GTPases has a variety of biochemical and functional properties in the formation of actin filaments, such as remodeling the cytoskeleton of different intercellular compartments, controlling the assembly of stress fibers, the formation of adhesion points and the movement of cancer cells.<br>However, the role of formin in clinical tumor tissues has not been widely concerned.<br>It has been found that FMNL2, which is similar to FHOD1, is highly expressed in colon cancer tissues, which is related to its metastasis [9].<br>In spite of the above findings [10-13], there is a lack of evaluation for the clinicopathological significance of FHOD1 in gastric cancer, and the molecular mechanism of its role is not fully understood.<br>In this study, Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data were used to analyze FHOD1 expression in GC.<br>The relationship between the overall survival rate and the expression of FHOD1 in gastric cancer patients was analyzed with the help of data from previous panomics experiments.<br>The role of FHOD1 in GC was discussed by a series of experiments. These results provide important information for the pathogenesis of GC and reveal that FHOD1 may be a potential new target for the treatment of gastric cancer.<br>discuss<br>The main purpose of this study is to study the biological role of FHOD1 in human gastric cancer cells, and to clarify the role of FHOD1 in the development of gastric cancer.<br>Gastric cancer is usually a multifactorial process involving extracellular matrix degradation, transmission, basement membrane, cell adhesion, angiogenesis and motility (21-25).<br>It is, therefore, crucial to identify new biomarkers for improving clinical outcomes in patients with gastric cancer.<br>Formins is a highly conserved actin nucleoprotein, which exists in all eukaryotes.<br>The activity of formins is regulated by Rho GTPases, a molecular switch that reshapes cytoskeleton in different intercellular spaces. Rho GTPases can control the assembly of stress fibers, the formation of adhesion foci and the movement pattern of cancer cells<br>Maria gardberg et al found that FHOD1, a member of the formin family, was up-regulated in EMT of squamous cell carcinoma and affected the morphological and functional characteristics of EMT: actin tissue, cell migration and extracellular matrix degradation ability<br>FHOD1 may mediate cytoskeleton alteration and migration in cancer associated EMT of various cancer types<br>FHOD1 was found to be involved in migration or invasion earlier, and was up-regulated in clinical tumor tissues of basal like breast cancer [15]. In addition, FHOD1 expression was also found in oral squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, and also involved in migration / invasion in vitro [13,20].<br>In this study, screening of TCGA database showed that the expression level of FHOD1 in GC tissues was significantly higher than that in adjacent non tumor tissues. In addition, FHOD1 was moderately expressed in hgc27 and MKN45 cell lines.<br>
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