Animation is very different from the cartoons produced in the West because of animation. First of all, the anime makers have produced a unique artistic style that has attracted a younger and younger audience. And if you've seen any American cartoons, they're often only for children, and their animation style is very common. Keeping the animation atmosphere, Oriental artists spend more money and time to make cartoons look more realistic and appeal to audiences of all ages.<br><br>Target age<br>As we've said before, cartoon movies and TV shows are usually targeted at a variety of audiences. Even if a particular show is for young boys and girls, many adults enjoy it. This is because producers use deep concepts, scripts, and sensations to convey the same intensity as motion images, so it's worth a look. In the West, cartoons are mostly seen as "interesting" and for humorous purposes only. They are not actually intended to show any kind of meaning or real relationship between characters. That's why anime cartoons are so different in their ability to attract audiences than they are.