Two papers on MIDP's treatment of soft clay were published by Peng, which cites Peng's 2019 paper.<br><br>The expression is vague, willing to express in a low-stress state, the carbonate precipitation in clay (precipitated carbonate) on the soil deformation characteristics did not have a special impact, the compression deformation characteristics of the soil before and after treatment is almost the same.<br><br>The conclusions have been revised to the following:<br><br>After MICP reinforcement, the strength of the soil without side limit was increased by about 25% and the permeability coefficient was reduced by 76%.<br>After MICP treatment, the strength of the soil's shear resistance is increased, with its internal friction angle remaining unchanged at 22 degrees, while the adhesion force is increased from 40 kPa to 60 kPa.<br>The soil is not easily compressed after MICP treatment, with its compression index reduced from 0.225 to 0.172.<br><br>Both the results of the sociological experiment and the results of the XRD experiment show that the process of microbial induction of calcium carbonate to produce reinforced soil mainly occurs in the first 14 days.<br><br>(3) The calcium carbonate crystals between reinforced clay grains are relatively small, mainly bonding, and have less effect on friction angle in soil.<br><br>The results of the XRD experiment also show that microorganisms not only induce the production of calcium carbonate by Ca 2 plus provided in the glue, but also promote the production of calcium carbonate from Ca 2 plus, which is already available in the soil.<br><br>Images of 7d and 28d soil surfaces have been added<br><br>Under 20.4.4 of the standard GB50123-2019 of the earthwork test method, when the maximum axial stress is not obvious, the axial stress is selected to become 15% corresponding stress as the pressure strength without side limit<br><br>The internal friction angle of the soil after MICP treatment is almost unchanged, and the adhesion force is obviously increased, indicating that the calcium carbonate crystals produced by microorganisms between soil particles act as glue in the soil, and the adhesion of the soil is effectively enhanced. However, there is almost no effect on the internal friction angle of the soil due to the small size of the resulting calcium carbonate particles, the soil embedded bite cooperation is weak.<br><br>(22) The soil rebound-recompression index is obtained during the unloading phase of axial stress, which can indicate the compression performance of the soil after MICP treatment.