Bulk cargo consolidation<br>First weight: 4200 yuan, 200kg, 400kg<br>4200 yuan / 400 Jin = 10.5 yuan / kg<br>Weight: 2200 yuan, 200kg, 400kg<br>2200 ÷ 400 Jin = 5.5 yuan / kg<br>It's not good for you to be cubic<br>Destination: Indonesia<br>Bao Shuangqing, tax and delivery<br>The above price includes booking space, customs declaration by sea, including delivery package customs clearance<br>Tax is not included.<br>Tonnage calculation<br>First weight:<br>11600 yuan per ton<br>Weight: 9700 yuan per ton<br>11600 △ 2000 Jin = 5.8 yuan<br>9700 △ 2000 Jin = 4.85 yuan<br>Bao Shuangqing (excluding tax) package delivery<br>The above price includes booking, customs declaration, ocean freight, warehouse fee including delivery, etc<br>The price is subject to the actual shipping date price<br>