第5部分 消防措施  灭火方法:  合适的灭火剂: 抗溶泡沫、二氧化碳、干粉。  不合适的灭火剂: 大量的水力喷射。  特别危险性:  灭火的英语翻译

第5部分 消防措施 灭火方法: 合适的灭火剂: 抗溶泡沫、二氧化碳

第5部分 消防措施 灭火方法: 合适的灭火剂: 抗溶泡沫、二氧化碳、干粉。 不合适的灭火剂: 大量的水力喷射。 特别危险性: 灭火后的水不能排入水体或下水道。 灭火注意措施及防护措施: 消防人员必要时需佩戴自给式空气呼吸器。单独收集被污染的灭火用水。不要排入下水道。火灾残留物以及灭火用水必须按照当地规定予以处理。为了安全,罐子应分开储存于密闭容器中。使用喷水冷却完全密闭的容器。
源语言: -
目标语言: -
结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Part 5 measures fire <br>fighting methods: <br>Suitable extinguishing agents: resistant foam, carbon dioxide, dry. <br>Unsuitable extinguishing agent: Large amount of water jet. <br>Special hazard: <br>The water after fire extinguishing can not be discharged into water body or sewer. <br>Precautions and protective measures for fire extinguishing: <br>Fire fighters should wear self-contained air breathing apparatus when necessary. Separately collect contaminated fire fighting water. Do not discharge into the drain. Fire residues and fire fighting water must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. For safety, jars should be stored separately in airtight containers. Use water spray to cool completely closed containers.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Part 5 Fire Protection Measures. <br> Fire suppression method: <br> Suitable fire extinguishing agent: anti-soluble foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder. <br> Inappropriate fire extinguishing agent: Large amount of hydraulic spray. <br> Particularly dangerous: <br> Water after extinguishing a fire cannot be discharged into water bodies or sewers. <br> Fire-fighting precautions and protective measures: <br> Firefighters should wear a self-contained air respirator if necessary. Collect contaminated water for extinguishing fires separately. Do not drain into the sewer. Fire residues and water for extinguishing fires must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. For safety reasons, the cans should be stored separately in an airtight container. Use spray water to cool a fully enclosed container.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
Part 5 fire fighting measures<br>Fire fighting method:<br>Suitable extinguishing agents: anti foam, carbon dioxide and dry powder.<br>Unsuitable extinguishing agent: large amount of water jet.<br>Special risk:<br>The water after fire fighting shall not be discharged into water body or sewer.<br>Fire fighting precautions and protective measures:<br>Fire fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus when necessary. Collect the polluted fire fighting water separately. Do not drain into the sewer. Fire residues and fire fighting water must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations. For safety, cans should be stored separately in closed containers. Use water spray to cool completely closed containers.
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