Since the bubbles are removed from the capillary tube, 0.7 SLM is reached when the gas flow is very slow, and 29.9 discharges can be achieved in a single bubble. Compared to the gas flow of 0.7 SLM, the gas flow of 1.5 SLM discharges was 15.9 times less than the 0.7 SLM. Although the proportion of active particles in bubbles is relatively small. But with fewer discharges, the effects of heat effects are reduced, mass transfer times are longer, and degradation is better. Gas flow continues to increase, the number of discharges gradually decreased, when increased to 5 SLM, discharge times for 4.28 times, although the discharge heat effect is minimal, but the proportion of active particles is too small, the mass transfer effect is not good, and finally the degradation effect of the bacteria ester decreased. In short, the gas speed increased from 0.7 SLM to 1.5 SLM, the thermal effect is greater than the proportion of active particles, the mass transfer effect is gradually enhanced, the degradation effect is gradually enhanced. When the gas speed increases, from 1.5 SLM to 5 SLM, the thermal effect is less than the proportion of active particles, the mass transfer effect gradually weakens, and the degradation effect decreases. The body is only affected by buoyancy, do the acceleration of increasing acceleration movement.