The nurse in charge of blood harvesting should wash her hands, wear gloves, a hat, and a mask.<br> 75% alcohol cleans the blood-picking work surface with disposable paper mats.<br> Put a disposable paper pad on the blood-picking pillow.<br> Let the subject sit on a stool, exposing one arm up to the upper arm, and the cuffs must not be too tight.<br> Place your arm on a blood-picking pillow, palm up, tighten your upper arm with a hemostage band, and your elbows should be below the heart level.<br><br>Look for the bulging vein in the front area of the elbow, and the vein is well secured with the surrounding tissue, touch the vein and confirm that it is a vein.<br><br>Disinfect outwards with alcohol in contective circles.<br><br>After the alcohol has dried thoroughly, let the subjects hold their fists hard.<br><br>Insert the needle into the vein at 150 degrees with the forearm in the direction of the blood flow.<br><br>Blood flow into the blood vessels, loosen the hemostage belt, let the subject slowly release the fist, wait for the blood to reach the blood intake requirements, the blood needle pulled out at the same time with sterile cotton balls to hold down the blood wound.