The Acid Test Ratio also also right as Quick or Liquid ratio does not include end-of-period inventory, so the measurement of company liquidity is more accurate (or direct). Because inventory takes time to convert into cash, it cannot be considered liquid. This ratio is considered to be a better indicator of a company's ability to repay its current debt. Generally, the health asset test ratio is at least 1:1, and a lower acid test ratio indicates a liquidity problem in the company, while a ratio greater than 1:1 indicates that cash is idle. The optimal acid test ratio is 1:1. The rate rises between 20X3 and 20X4, indicating that clubs can cope with their current liabilities. The downsides that affect this ratio include an increase in current assets (trade receivables, banks or cash); Because this ratio does not include inventory, it is not considered a current asset. The large increase in inventory is a serious problem that masks the current ratio, which becomes apparent only when the Acid Test Ratio is calculated. The Acid Test Ratio ratio of less than 1:1 can have a serious impact on the company's ability to pay (accounts payable/accounts payable).