Soil.<br>The soil in the study area is conifer cypress, the surface is hard, white, salt and pH is high, the soil structure is poor, and the fertility is low. The percentage of exchangeable sodium saturation (ESP) of takyric solonetz is as high as 42.1%, and the pH can be as high as 9.0-10.5 (Table 1). Sediments are materials of tatyric solonetz. There are three layers along the soil profile: the natural layer, the transition layer and the parent. The natural layer consists of a 1 cm thick hard shell layer with fine holes and a 40 cm thick hard corner block structure. The transition layer also has a block structure. The alma mater layer of lake sediments is low in alkalinity. Clay minerals (mainly jellyfish, as well as turquoise, kaolin and montessite) are found in nature, but calcium sulfate levels are too low to improve the soil.