Information on the child<br>Case inclusion criteria:<br>(1) A child who has been treated for digestive diseases but has no other serious diseases or complications;<br>(2) Children between the ages of 4 and 14;<br>(3) Hp-positive children: C13-UBT determination, gastric mucous membrane biopsy rapid urine enzyme test positive;<br>(4) Clinical manifestations of upper abdominal pain umbilical week discomfort, examination of abdominal pain range in the upper middle abdominal or umbilical week of children;<br>(5) Children diagnosed with chronic gastritis after gastroscopy;<br>(6) Children with children who are able to cooperate with and accurately describe subjective symptoms;<br>(7) Children who are willing and able to cooperate with the family to complete the study and sign the informed consent.<br><br>Case exclusion criteria:<br>(1) Children with a combination of severe heart, liver and kidney diseases or congenital diseases;<br>(2) Children with nutritional deficiencies due to other reasons;<br>(3) Helicobacter pyridobacteria-negative children;<br>(4) Children suffering from inflammation of the intestinal membrane and other liver, bile and pancreatic spleen diseases.