6 内容:6.1 上岗前,应穿戴好劳动保护用品,注意扎好长袖袖口。严禁酒后、打赤膊、穿拖鞋上岗。6.2 上岗操作人员应明确本设备各危险标识的的英语翻译

6 内容:6.1 上岗前,应穿戴好劳动保护用品,注意扎好长袖袖口。严禁

6 内容:6.1 上岗前,应穿戴好劳动保护用品,注意扎好长袖袖口。严禁酒后、打赤膊、穿拖鞋上岗。6.2 上岗操作人员应明确本设备各危险标识的含义及所有相关位置。6.3 每次开机前,应巡视并确认开卷、刀轴、卷取及各导辊等旋转部位无异物,与固定部件之间无磨擦痕迹和明显卡死状况,抽风吸边系统是否顺畅,安全保护装置是否可靠,地沟盖板是否盖好,一切正常后方可上卷开车。6.4开机后,应首先观察液压、压缩空气压力是否在正常范围,发现异常应及时通知设备人员。对设备运行参数进行设定以前,应注意各个选择器和各控制开关的当前位置,确认均为正确的需要位置。6.5 利用小车上料或从锥头卸卷时,应注意观察套筒是否支撑在小车举臂的对称位置,若有滑落危险,应立即停止操作,并通知维护人员。从事上料或卸卷操作时,无论手动或自动,操作手应跟踪和观察运行的整个过程,待运行完成后,方可离开。6.6 在刀轴区域操作时应告知同班人员,禁止其他人员在不明刀轴区域是否有人作业的情况操作刀轴运转。装卸刀具时,要注意防止划伤手。6.7穿料时必须认真检查穿料装置是否正常,各辊传动是否灵活平稳。禁止在辊运转的状态下用布拭擦辊面。穿料时禁止将手伸进主动辊和拉紧辊之间。6.8上卸铝箔卷或卷筒时,应有两人互相配合,放置牢靠,防止掉落,以免损坏设备及碰伤料卷。6.9 在升降平台操作时,应时刻注意避免脚踏板的误操作,时刻注意避免脚底踩空摔落的危险。6.10 操作拔轴座时,禁止将手靠近卡紧头;发现卡不紧或不稳时应及时停止操作,避免卷取轴掉落。上卸卷取轴必须用装卸小车,严禁直接用天车上卸卷取轴。 6.11 在设备运转时,不允许离开岗位;高速运转时不许用手触摸铝箔边部及表面,发现问题时要停车处理。6.12 各功能小车运行时,应避免在运行线路上通过,并暂停任何人员在运行线路上及周边区域的作业。6.13 在任何操作过程中若出现故障,操作人员在参考故障信息后确认未能恢复时,应及时通知维护人员,禁止操作人员对设备故障做出尝试性处理。6.14 严禁操作人员使用“Service on”方式,操作人员不得擅自进入Windouws操作系统。6.15 当设备停止生产时,所有运转按钮均要放在零位,然后断电。7 记录/表单:无8 作业流程图:无
源语言: -
目标语言: -
结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
6 Contents: <br>6.1 Before appointment, should wear a good labor protection products, note tied long sleeve cuffs. Do not drink, shirtless, wearing slippers posts. <br>6.2 induction operator should clearly identify the meaning of the danger of this equipment and all related position. <br>6.3 before each boot, should inspect and verify unwinding rotation portion, the arbor, the take-up roll or the like and each guide no foreign body, no significant friction marks and a jam between the fixed member, the suction side ventilation system is smooth, Security device is reliable, whether covered trench cover, all normal driving only on the volume. <br>6.4 power, should first hydraulic observed, whether the air pressure in the normal range, abnormal should promptly notify plant personnel. Previously setting operating parameters of the device, to be noted that each of the selector switches and the current position of each of the control, both to confirm the correct desired position. <br>6.5 using a small car or from the material discharge cone volume should observe whether the position of the car symmetrically sleeve supporting the arm is raised, if slipping danger, should immediately stop the operation, and inform the maintenance personnel. When unloading or loading in volume operation, either manually or automatically, and the operator should observe the operation of the whole tracking process, to be executed after completion of before leaving. <br>6.6 arbor area of the operation should be informed classmate personnel, prohibiting other persons unknown whether it was operating in the area where the operation tool axis tool axis operation. Loading and unloading tools, pay attention to prevent scratching hand. <br>Feed means must be carefully checked whether the normal wear wearing material 6.7, each of the rollers is flexible drive smoothly. Prohibit operation in a state where the roller with a cloth wipe roll surface. Prohibit reach into the driving roller and tensioning the material between the rollers wear. <br>Unloading reel or roll of aluminum foil 6.8, they should complement each other, is secured properly, prevent falling, and to avoid damaging the equipment bumps roll. <br>6.9 When operating the lifting platform, should always be taken to avoid an erroneous operation of the foot pedal, the time taken to avoid the risk of foot fall Caikong. <br>6.10 pulling operation shaft seat, is prohibited near the hand gripping head; found or the card is not tight unstable operation should be stopped in time to avoid dropping the winding shaft. Unloading the winding shaft must be detachable trolley, non-removable take-up shaft directly days car.<br>To stop processing is allowed to touch the surface of the aluminum foil and the edge portions at high speed, the problem found; 6.11 equipment operation, not allowed to leave the post. <br>6.12 each functional car running should be avoided by running on the line, and to suspend work on the running line and the surrounding area of any person. <br>6.13 In any failure during operation If there is, the operator at the time of confirmation message fails to reference fault recovery, shall promptly notify maintenance personnel, to prevent operators from making tentative deal with equipment failure. <br>6.14 The operator is prohibited to use "Service on" mode, the operator will be allowed to enter Windouws operating system. <br>6.15 When the device to stop production, all operating buttons are to be placed in the zero position, then off. <br>7 recording / form: None <br>8 flowchart: None
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
6 Content:<br>6.1 Before taking up the job, wear good labor protection supplies and pay attention to wearing long sleeves. It is strictly forbidden to drink, wear bare clothes and wear slippers.<br>6.2 The on-duty operator shall clarify the meaning of the hazard signs of the equipment and all relevant locations.<br>6.3 Before each boot, should patrol and confirm that the roll, the cutter shaft, the roll and the rotating parts of the guide roller stoic no foreign objects, and fixed parts between no friction marks and obvious stuck conditions, pumping edge system is smooth, safety protection device is reliable, the trench cover is well covered, everything is normal before rolling on the drive.<br>6.4 After power-on, should first observe the hydraulic, compressed air pressure in the normal range, found abnormal should be timely notification of equipment personnel. Before setting the operating parameters of the equipment, we should pay attention to the current position of each selector and the control switch to confirm that the correct position is required.<br>6.5 When using the material of the trolley or unloading the roll from the cone head, care should be taken to observe whether the sleeve is supported in the symmetrical position of the trolley arm, if there is a danger of slipping, should immediately stop the operation, and notify the maintenance personnel. When loading or unloading operations, whether manual or automatic, the operator should track and observe the entire operation of the whole process, until the operation is completed, before leaving.<br>6.6 When operating in the shaft area, the same personnel should be informed that other personnel are prohibited from operating the tool shaft in cases where there is no work in the area of the knife shaft. When loading and unloading tools, care should be taken to prevent scratching hands.<br>6.7 When wearing material, you must carefully check whether the material wearing device is normal, the roller drive is flexible and stable. It is forbidden to wipe the roller face with a cloth while the roller is running. Do not put your hand between the active roll and the tension ingesting roller when wearing material.<br>6.8 When unloading aluminum foil rolls or rolls, two people should cooperate with each other to keep them secure to prevent them from falling, so as not to damage the equipment and touch the material roll.<br>6.9 When operating on the lifting platform, always pay attention to avoid the wrong operation of the foot pedal, always pay attention to avoid the risk of foot floor stepping off the air fall.<br>6.10 When operating the pull-out base, it is forbidden to close the hand near the clamping head, and stop the operation in time to avoid the reel falling when the card is found to be tight or unstable. The loading and unloading coupling must be used with a loading and unloading trolley, and it is strictly prohibited to use the dump ingres directly on the sky car. <br>6.11 When the equipment is running, it is not allowed to leave the post, do not touch the edge of the foil and surface with your hands when running at high speed, and stop for problems.<br>6.12 When each function trolley is running, avoid passing on the running line and suspend any person's work on the running line and the surrounding area.<br>6.13 If there is a fault in any operation, the operator shall promptly notify the maintenance personnel and prohibit the operator from making an attempt to deal with the equipment failure when it is confirmed that it has failed to recover after referenceing the fault information.<br>6.14 The operator is strictly prohibited from using the "service on" method and the operator is not allowed to enter the Windouws operating system without authorization.<br>6.15 When the equipment stops production, all running buttons are placed in zero and then power is lost.<br>7 Record/Form: None<br>8 Job flowchart: None
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
6 contents:<br>6.1 wear labor protection articles and tie long sleeve cuffs before work. It is strictly forbidden to work after drinking, shirtless or wearing slippers.<br>6.2 the operators on duty shall make clear the meaning of each hazard sign of the equipment and all relevant positions.<br>6.3 before starting up each time, patrol and confirm that there are no foreign matters at the rotating parts such as uncoiler, cutter shaft, coiler and guide rollers, there are no friction marks and apparent picture stuck between the fixed parts, whether the air suction system is smooth, whether the safety protection device is reliable, whether the trench cover plate is properly covered, and only after everything is normal can it be rolled up and started up.<br>6.4 after starting the machine, first observe whether the hydraulic pressure and compressed air pressure are within the normal range, and inform the equipment personnel in time in case of any abnormality. Before setting the operation parameters of the equipment, pay attention to the current position of each selector and each control switch, and confirm that they are all the correct required positions.<br>6.5 when using the trolley to load or unload the coil from the cone head, pay attention to observe whether the sleeve is supported at the symmetrical position of the trolley lifting arm. If there is danger of sliding, stop the operation immediately and inform the maintenance personnel. When the operator is engaged in the loading or unloading operation, whether manual or automatic, the operator shall track and observe the whole process of operation, and can leave only after the operation is completed.<br>6.6 when operating in the cutter shaft area, the personnel on the same shift shall be informed. It is forbidden for other personnel to operate the cutter shaft in the case that they do not know whether someone is working in the cutter shaft area. When loading and unloading the cutter, pay attention to prevent scratching the hand.<br>6.7 when threading, it is necessary to carefully check whether the threading device is normal and whether the transmission of each roller is flexible and stable. It is forbidden to wipe the roll surface with a cloth while the roll is running. It is forbidden to extend your hand between the driving roller and the tensioning roller during threading.<br>6.8 when loading and unloading the aluminum foil roll or drum, two persons shall cooperate with each other and place them firmly to prevent falling, so as to avoid damaging the equipment and hitting the material roll.<br>6.9 during the operation of lifting platform, it is necessary to avoid the wrong operation of foot pedal and the danger of foot falling.<br>6.10 when operating the shaft pulling seat, it is forbidden to put your hand close to the clamping head; in case of any loose or unstable clamping, stop the operation in time to prevent the coiling shaft from falling. The loading and unloading car must be used to load and unload the coiling shaft. It is strictly forbidden to use the crown block to unload the coiling shaft directly.<br>6.11 when the equipment is running, it is not allowed to leave the post; when the equipment is running at high speed, it is not allowed to touch the edge and surface of aluminum foil by hand, and it is necessary to stop the machine for handling when problems are found.<br>6.12 during the operation of all functional trolleys, it is necessary to avoid passing on the operation line, and suspend the operation of any personnel on the operation line and surrounding areas.<br>6.13 in case of any fault in any operation process, the operator shall inform the maintenance personnel in time when he / she fails to recover after referring to the fault information, and forbid the operator to try to deal with the equipment fault.<br>6.14 it is strictly prohibited for the operator to use the "service on" mode, and the operator shall not enter the windows operating system without permission.<br>6.15 when the equipment stops production, all operation buttons shall be placed at zero position, and then power off.<br>7 record / form: None<br>8 operation flow chart: None
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