升霄道人如何改动了许青云的《增补罗汉行功短打序》 柳国顺有关“罗汉行功短打”的几种谱书的序文内容有详有略、有同有异,显然在长期传抄中,非止一的英语翻译

升霄道人如何改动了许青云的《增补罗汉行功短打序》 柳国顺有关“罗汉行功

升霄道人如何改动了许青云的《增补罗汉行功短打序》 柳国顺有关“罗汉行功短打”的几种谱书的序文内容有详有略、有同有异,显然在长期传抄中,非止一人对原序文作了改动,可见 “天下文章一大抄”的现象在清代也不鲜见。此类谱书中,大多载有“升霄道人”之名,其中当属咸丰五年的抄本序文中首先出现。程大力先生的《考证》及该文的扩容文章《少林功夫古籍的若干考证•关于罗汉行功短打》(以下简称:程文)所考证的,就是咸丰五年抄本。程文考证认为:“按此两序所云,则《罗汉行功短打》乃升宵道人所著”。并认为该抄本“卷首有‘咸丰五年岁在乙卯崂西斋’字样,由之看来应是咸丰时人抄录。”依此,读者还可以理解为:升霄道人于咸丰五年在崂西斋“重订”了“增补罗汉行功短打”,并作了《重订增补罗汉行功短打序》。只是其中存有疑窦,尚需剖析一下,以看清历史本来面目。从程文罗列的该抄本两篇所谓序的信息来看,升霄道人对乾隆抄本《武备真传》的两篇原序均作了删改增添,使两序原有的文意有了根本性的改变,导致后人的误读误信误传。先看看许青云的《增补罗汉行功短打序》是如何被改动的:升霄道人如何改动了许青云的《增补罗汉行功短打序》升霄道人如何改动了许青云的《增补罗汉行功短打序》 许青云的《增补罗汉行功短打序》抄录如下:【 增补罗汉行功短打序短打之最要者,有功三乘。第一行功积力,演练百天,即为有成。第二推送沙袋,操演锤掌。第三演习诸家手法。此三乘功也。他如金中罩、吞符水、吹丹、纵地等术法,皆外道邪魔,不堪传世。惟此中正平易,有益无损,可以保国而护身。虽然,短打妙矣。设一旦强邻压境,干戈齐动,掠地攻城,矢石交加,而亦将徒手相向乎?故兵刃亦在所不废者。顾兵刃之学,必先学行功、熟于短打而后可。盖兵刃不过短打之手法扩而充之者也。易短为长,取近为远。其实兵刃亦短打也,十八罗汉各精其一,与短打并传于世。独是兵刃之举,圣人不得已而为之。而短打宁可轻用乎?故即不得不打,仍示以打而非打。不打之打,而分筋截脉之道出焉。而圣人之用心苦矣。夫所谓截脉者,不过截其血脉、壅其气息,使心神昏迷,手脚不能动,一救而苏,不致伤人。短打之妙至此极矣。有志者细心学之,方不负圣人一片婆心也。注释形图,详载无隐,庶一览豁然。复为十戒,敬附于后,愿有识者共铭也。 乾隆壬午八月庚戌许青云序】一、改动序名,删掉落款,放错位置。首先是序名的改动。升霄道人在原序名前添加了“重订”二字,成了“重订增补罗汉行功短打序”。如果单从这改动过的序名上来看,自应是升霄道人重新订正许青云重辑的“增补罗汉行功短打”的拳谱后所作的序。可事实并非如此,这篇重订序中有关罗汉行功短打的介绍文字,基本上是照抄了许青云的原序。对拳谱繁杂内容作了重新编排布局是真的。如程文所说:“《罗汉行功短打》共分四卷,卷一为《少林衣钵真传》,为总论;卷二为《绘象罗汉短打变式》,均讲拳法;卷三为《绘象罗汉兵刃全式》,讲各式器械;卷四为《绘象罗汉行功全谱》,讲内功导引之‘十八罗汉势’。”此四卷的名称及内容与《武备真传》中许青云重辑的没有卷之名称的“卷一”、“ 卷二”相比,迥然不同,可视作升霄道人对拳谱的“重订”。遗憾的是,既是重订之序,却对这么重要的编排变化及四卷命名,竟未有一字提及,这是不合情理的。唯一的解释是,升霄道人不想提及是许青云作的原序,也不想提及是许青云重辑的“增补罗汉行功短打”。其次是序的落款被删除。“重订增补罗汉行功短打序”没有落款,这种不合常理的现象很令人生疑。难怪程文颇有疑惑地说“《罗汉行功短打》中有类似于序的文章一篇,弗遑道人序之后又有一‘重订增补罗汉行功短打序’”;又说“所以疑为升宵道人所作的‘重订增补罗汉行功短打序’便云……”。可见对于其是否是序,程文并不十分肯定。如果说,是升霄道人漏写了落款,其可能性微乎其微,因为重订序前的弗遑道人的序即保留了落款。故最大的可能性就是人为有意删掉了落款。照理说,要是此重订序是升霄道人所作,自然应有他本人的落款。但序文的有关罗汉行功短打的内容,则明明是抄自许青云的原序。尽管序名和序文有增补文字,落款是升霄道人则明显是不当的。可要是保留许青云的落款,大概升霄道人又不情愿,于是干脆删掉算了。如此,重订序就成了无落款之序,给读者留下了悬念和猜疑。当然,即使序的落款被删而缺失,读者也并不怀疑该序的作者是升霄道人,却不知真正的序作者应是许青云。再次是两序位置的放错。程文考证说:“升宵道人和弗遑道人的说明文字,既不在全书卷首为序,也不在卷末为跋,而是夹在中间的《绘象罗汉行功全谱》卷四之前”。既名曰“序”,却放错了位置,是怎么回事?由于是手抄本,有可能是传抄者无意间将两序文给放错地方了。更有可能是升霄道人有意为之。不管有意无意,两序放在非序的位置上,除让人疑惑外,并不影响其介绍说明的功用。总之,乾隆二十七年许青云的原序,到咸丰五年时,由于序名、落款、序的位置的变动,其原貌已有了根本性的改观。最重要的是,虽然序无落款,读者会想当然地将升霄道人视为序的作者,真正的作者许青云则被隐匿了。二、重订序中有关“罗汉行功短打”的内容,除有被刻意改动的痕迹,及个别错误外,系许青云原序的文字。程文出于撰文需要,所提到的重订序的内容中,有两段许青云原序的文字。其一,程文:“所以疑为升宵道人所作的‘重订增补罗汉行功短打序’便云:‘他如金钟罩、吞符、吹丹、纵地等术法,皆外道邪魔,不堪传世。惟取此中正平易,有益无损,可以护国而卫身者’。”重订序的这段文字,前句中的“吞符”,漏掉一“水”字,原序为“吞符水”三字。此应为抄录许青云原序时的脱漏,不是大问题。而后句“惟取此中正平易,有益无损,可以护国而卫身者”则明显可以看出是被人为改动了,却是改得没有道理。一是增添了“取”与“者”二字,此系多余的二字 ;一是将“保国而护身”改为“护国而卫身”,这不过是改换一下同义词而已,没有实际意义。原序此句为:“惟此中正平易,有益无损,可以保国而护身。”已是言简意赅,无不妥之处。作如此改动,实属画蛇添足之举。其二,程文:“《重订增补罗汉行功短打序》又称:‘兵刃之举,圣人不得已而为之,而短打宁可轻用乎?故即不得不打,仍示以打而非打不打之打,而分筋截脉之道出焉。而圣人之用心若矣夫。所谓截脉者,不过截其血脉,壅其气息,使心神昏迷,手脚不能动,一救而苏,不致伤人。短打之妙至此极矣。有志者细心学之,方不负圣人一片婆心也。’”重订序的这段文字,所用的标点符号如何暂且不论,除句前漏掉“独是”二字、“苦”写成别字“若”外,其余皆与原序相同。所以,重订序中有关罗汉行功短打的文字内容,出自许青云的原序,并非升霄道人所作。三、重订序中明显有升霄道人增添的内容。程文在考证中列举的三句重订序中的文字是许青云原序所没有的,说明在原序基础上,升霄道人又增添了新的内容。程文所列如下: 其一,“后序中升宵道人说:‘短打者,少林福居禅师所著也。’” 其二,“又说‘有远方学徒将谱携去,求无可得’。” 其三,“后序中他说:‘因摹拟想象,重为编辑,间参己见,补所未有’。”将这三句新添内容分析一下,其真实性着实令人怀疑。首先,“短打者,少林福居禅师所著也。”此说虽单是提到了“短打”,但因为拳谱内容为“增补罗汉行功短打”,实际说的是该拳谱是少林福居禅师所著。然而,升霄道人重订的增补罗汉行功短打,其前身是乾隆抄本《武备真传》中由许青云重辑的“增补罗汉行功短打”。乾隆抄本中就没有提到“少林福居”四字,如果真是福居所著,这么重要的信息许青云不会不知道,更不会知道却不注明。客观情况明摆着,拳谱材料传到他手里的是“增补罗汉行功短打”,明显不是一人一时所作,其中不知汇聚了几多前人的武学智慧。可以说,增补以前的《罗汉行功短打》源自何时何人,恐无人能说得清了。程文考证的是咸丰五年抄本,其对少林福居说就提出了质疑:“其实,《罗汉行功短打》究竟是否真如升宵道人所云为少林福居禅师所集所传,甚至是否真有福居禅师其人,都非常让人怀疑。”其他研究者也大多赞同程文的这一观点,认为“少林福居”是伪托的人物。因此,重订序中所述的“短打者,少林福居禅师所著也。”是升霄道人增添的虚假的信息。与此相应的卷一《少林衣钵真传》的命名,也不过是借光少林名望而作,并不是真的。其次,“有远方学徒将谱携去,求无可得”、“ 因摹拟想象,重为编辑,间参己见,补所未有”。这两句是前因后果的关系。有个徒弟将拳谱拿走要不回来了,所以重新修谱,就得全凭自己的记忆加以仿效,重新编辑而成。重订增补罗汉行功短打谱光是理论部分就挺繁杂,总共四卷的拳谱内容囊括了拳论、拳法、兵刃和行功等部分,靠脑子记住并原样写出来,谈何容易?这种太过夸张的说法很难让人相信。至于“间参己见,补所未有”,在原有的内容上加上点自己的见解,增补点原谱没有的武术资料,这是可以理解的正常现象。因此,重订序比原序多出来的文字部分,则是升霄道人为托名少林和彰显自己重订之举而增添的内容。
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How to change a liter Xiao Xu Qingyun Taoist's "Ocean's line of work bunt supplement order" <br>Liu Guoshun <br><br>preface in relation to the "Ocean bunt line of work," the book has detailed several spectra have a little, there are the same different, obviously in the long-term private copies, the non only one person made changes to the original preface, showing that "the world is a big copy paper" phenomenon is not uncommon in the Qing Dynasty. Such spectrum in the book, most of them containing "Xiao Taoist rise" in the name, which was undoubtedly the transcript preface Xianfeng five years in the first. Mr. Cheng vigorously "research" and the text of the expansion of the article "a number of research about the ancient Shaolin Kung Fu • Ocean line of work bunt" (hereinafter referred to as: Cheng Wen) the research, is Xianfeng five years transcript. <br><br>Cheng verified that: "Press two sequence goes, the" Ocean's line of work bunt "is liter Xiao Taoist book." And that the codex 'frontispiece' Xianfeng five years old in the West Zhai Yi Mao Laois' words, from which it seems should be Xianfeng when people copy. " <br><br>So, readers can also be understood as: l Xiao Taoist Xianfeng five years Laois West vegetarian "rescheduling" of the "Ocean's supplement line of work bunt," and made a "recast supplement bunt Rohan line of work order." There is just suspicion, still need to analyze it, to see the true colors of history. <br><br>Information from the transcript of the two so-called sequence Cheng list view, Xiao Taoist liters of Qianlong transcript "true mass weapons and equipment," the two made some amendments were added to the original sequence, the two sequences original context has been a fundamental change, leading to misreading mistakenly believed descendants of misinformation. Xu Qingyun take a look at the "Ocean's supplement line of work bunt sequence" is how the changes: <br><br>how liter Xiao Taoist change the "Ocean's line of work bunt supplement order" Xu Qingyun of <br><br><br>how to change a liter Xiao Xu Qingyun Taoist's "Ocean's supplement line bunt work order " <br> <br>Xu Qingyun of" Ocean Added bunt line of work order "is reproduced below: <br><br>[Added bunt line of work order Rohan<br><br>Bunt the most important ones, active three times. The first line plot work force, drills one hundred days, that is successful. The second push sandbag, palm hammer drill. The third drill all the way home. Three times this power also. He as gold cap, Fushui swallowing, blow Dan, vertical to the operation method and the like, are heretics of demons, bear handed down. Only in this way CKS plain, useful non-destructive, and Body can defend the country. Although bunt wonderful men. Once set up powerful neighbor arrives, arms move together, treetop siege, slings and arrows of lightning, but will also hand toward peace? So do not waste Weaponry also in those. Gu Weaponry science, we must first learn the power line, and then be cooked to bunt. But bunt cover Weaponry the way of expanding and filling also. Easy short as long, taking nearly as far. In fact, Weaponry also be bunt, fine Eighteen each one, with a bunt and preach in the world. Weaponry is the only move, Saints had to do. The bunt rather light with almost? That they had to fight, to fight rather than showing still playing. Do not fight the fight, while the sub-pulse of the tendons cut tells Yan. The sage intention is indeed bitter. The so-called cut-off husband's veins, but cut its blood, obstruct its atmosphere, making the unconscious mind, hands and feet can not move, a save and the Soviet Union, will not hurt. Bunt wonderful so far extremely carry on. Where there is a careful study of, a well-intentioned saint to live up too. Note chart detailing contained no hidden, Shu list suddenly. Rehabilitation of the Ten Commandments, the King attached to, were willing to have the know-ming also. <br>Qianlong Ren Wu Geng Chen Xu Qingyun August sequence] <br><br><br><br>First, the program name change, delete inscription, misplaced. <br><br>The first is the change of the name of order. Xiao Taoist rise before the original order were added to "recast" the word became "recast supplement bunt Rohan line of work order." If a single sequence from the altered name of view, since the sequence should be "Ocean Added power line bunt" boxing spectrum taken after re-liter Xiao Taoist Xu Qingyun revised series of weight. But the fact is not the case, this recast in order Rohan line of work related to bunt introductory text, is basically a copy of the original sequence Xu Qingyun.<br><br>Made to rearrange the layout of the boxing spectrum content is really complicated. As noted earlier Cheng: "" Ocean bunt line of work "is divided into four volumes, Volume I of" Shaolin mantle true mass "for Subjects; Volume of" Ocean painted as bunt variant "are talking about boxing; Volume of "painted like Ocean weapon long form", stresses kinds of instrument;. Volume IV is "painted full spectrum power line as Ocean", about internal strength of the guide 'Eighteen potential' 'for this content name and four volumes "true mass Wubei "Xu Qingyun in heavy volumes of the series is not the name of the" volume "," volume II "compared very different, Xiao Taoist regarded liters of boxing spectrum" rescheduled. " Unfortunately, both the rescheduling of the order, but then such an important schedule changes and named four volumes, without setting have mentioned the word, this is unconscionable. The only explanation is, Xiao Taoist l want to mention is made of Xu Qingyun original order, but also want to mention a series of heavy Xu Qingyun "Ocean Added bunt line of work." <br><br>Second order of inscription is deleted. "Renewed supplement bunt Rohan line of work order" is not inscribed, this anomaly phenomenon is very dubious. No wonder Cheng quite puzzled and said, "" Ocean's line of work bunt "in an article similar sequence, sequence after Vladimir mention Taoist have a 'Renewed additions bunt Rohan line of work order'"; and that "it is suspected liters night Taoist made 'Renewed additions bunt Rohan line of work order' will cloud ....... " Whether it is visible to the order, Cheng is not quite sure. <br><br>If you say that a liter Xiao Taoist left out the inscription, which is extremely unlikely, because the sequence Vladimir mention Taoist before rescheduling sequence retains the inscription. It is most likely that people intentionally deleted inscription. Logically speaking, if this order is rescheduled liter Xiao Taoist made, naturally there should be his own inscription. But Rohan line of work in relation to preface bunt, then obviously copied from the original order of Xu Qingyun. Although the program name and preface have supplementary characters inscribed liter Xiao Taoist it is obviously inappropriate. But if reserved Xu Qingyun inscription, probably not willing to lift Xiao Taoist, so simply deleted forget. So, order rescheduling the inscription became disorderly, left to the reader of suspense and suspicion. <br><br>Of course, even if the order is deleted and missing the inscription, readers also do not doubt that the authors of the order is L Xiao Taoist, but I do not know the real sequence authors should be Xu Qingyun. <br><br>Once again, the wrong order two positions. Cheng said research: "caption liter Xiao flyover traced and Eph alone, neither the frontispiece of the book order, not in the end of the volume for the postscript, but sandwich" "Before volume IV" painted full spectrum power line as Rohan . Dubbed both "order", but in the wrong place, how is this going?<br><br>Because it is manuscripts, there is likely to be among those who make private copies of the preamble to the two inadvertently misplaced. More likely liter Xiao Taoist intentional. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, two non-sequence order on location, in addition to people doubt, but does not affect its function introduction explained. <br><br>In short, twenty-seven years of Qianlong Xu Qingyun original sequence, when the Xianfeng five years, due to changes in the position of program name, inscription, sequence, its original appearance has been a fundamental change. Most importantly, although the unsigned order, readers will assume the rise of the order of Xiao Taoist regarded as the real author Xu Qingyun were hiding. <br><br>Second, re-set sequence in relation to "Ocean's line of work bunt", in addition to have been deliberately altered traces, and individual errors, the Department of Xu Qingyun original sequence of text. <br><br>Cheng need for the author, content re-set sequence mentioned, there are two words Xu Qingyun original sequence. <br><br>First, Cheng: "So Xiao suspected liters made flyover 'Restated Added Rohan bunt line of work order' then says:" He as impregnable character swallowing, blow Dan, vertical to the operation method and the like, are heretics demon , bear handed down. but take this CKS plain, good and not, can protect the country and those who defend themselves'. " <br><br>this text recast sequence, the first sentence of the" swallow symbol "miss a" water "character, the original sequence to "swallow Fushui" words. This should be transcribed Xu Qingyun omission when the original order, not a big problem. <br><br>Then the sentence "but take this CKS plain, good and not, can protect the country and defend themselves by" the obvious can be seen to be tampered with, but it is no reason to change too. First, add a "take" and "person" word, the Department of redundant word; the first is "to defend the country and Body" to "protect the country and defend itself," but this is just a synonym for change it, no practical significance. Original order for the sentence: "Only in this way Chiang Kai-shek plain, useful non-destructive, and Body can defend the country." Has a concise, no improper. Make such changes, it is superfluous move. <br><br>Second, Cheng: "" Ocean's line of work Restated supplement bunt sequence ", also known as: 'Weaponry move, Saints had to do, but rather light with a bunt that is it almost had to fight, to fight while still showing? non-Da Buda of the fight, while sub-pulse of the tendons cut tells Yan, while the saints of the intention to carry on if the husband. the so-called cut by veins, but cut its blood, obstruct its atmosphere, making the unconscious mind, hands and feet can not move, and a rescue Sue, will not hurt. So far bunt wonderful extremely carry on. Where there is a careful study of, a well-intentioned saint to live up too. ' "<br><br>This text rescheduling sequence, the use of punctuation aside how, in addition to missing sentence before "independence is" the word "bitter" Do not write the word "if", the rest are the same as the original sequence. <br><br>So, in order rescheduling Rohan line of work related to bunt the text, from the original sequence Xu Qingyun, not liters Xiao Taoist made. <br><br>Third, in order rescheduling obviously increase the content Xiao Taoist liter. <br><br>Cheng cited in research in three recast the text in order Xu Qingyun original sequence is not found, indicating that the original order, based on the rise Xiao Taoist has added new content. Cheng listed as follows: <br><br>First, the "subsequent rise in Taoist Xiao said: 'bunt by less Lim also written by Zen master living.'" <br>Second, "said 'apprentices have far to go to bring the spectrum, have no demand '. " <br>Third," after the sequence in which he said:' due to mimic imagine, re-edit, ginseng between his own view and make unprecedented '. " <br><br>these three added a new content analysis, which is really doubtful authenticity . <br><br>First, the "bunt by less Lim ranking Buddhist monk book also." This said, although alone is referred to the "bunt", but because Boxing spectrum reads "supplement Lohan line of work bunt," actually said that the boxing spectrum is less Linfu ranking Buddhist monk book. However, Xiao Taoist l rescheduled Added Rohan bunt line of work, its predecessor Qian transcript "true mass Wubei" by Xu Qingyun heavy series of "Ocean Added bunt line of work." Qianlong transcript there is no mention "less Lim living" words, if the home is really a blessing, so important information Xu Qingyun does not know, will not know is not specified. The objective situation obvious, boxing spectrum material reached his hand was "Ocean's supplement line of work bunt", obviously not made by one person, which I do not know how many martial arts brings together the wisdom of our predecessors. It can be said, add to the previous "Ocean's line of work bunt" from when and where people, no one can say where the fear. <br><br>Cheng research is Xianfeng five years transcript, it said less Lim ranking it questioned: "In fact," Ocean's line of work bunt "What Does it really liter Xiao Taoist goes for the less Lim living a Zen master set of preaching, even if really blessed ranking Zen master of its people, are very questionable. "other researchers have mostly agreed with this view Cheng, saying that" less Lim Habitat "is Wei Tuo figure.<br><br>Therefore, the rescheduling of the order in the "bunt who have written less Lim ranking Buddhist monk." Xiao Taoist add a liter of false information. Corresponding to this Volume "Shaolin really Biography mantle," naming, it is nothing but excuse me Shaolin fame to make, not really. <br><br>Secondly, the "apprentice will have far to go to bring the spectrum, have no demand," "because imitate imagine, re-edit, ginseng between his own view and make unprecedented." These two are the cause and effect relationship. There apprentice took the boxing spectrum not come back, so re-pedigree, you have to be replicated at his own memories, re-edit made. Renewed additions Rohan line of work on the theoretical part of the light spectrum bunt quite complicated, boxing total of four volumes of the spectral content encompasses boxing theory, boxing, Weaponry and some other line of work, as they rely on the brain to remember and write, easier said than done? This exaggeration is too hard to believe. <br><br>As for the "parameters between his own view and make unprecedented", plus some of their own ideas in the original content, original score no points supplementary information of martial arts, which is a normal phenomenon understandable. <br><br>Therefore, the rescheduling of the extra sequence than the original text of the order, it is the content liters Xiao Taoist and Shaolin name to demonstrate their care recast move and add the.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
How the Ascendas man changed Xu Qingyun's "Supplementing Rohan's Short Prelude"<br> Liu Guoshun<br><br>About the "Rohan work short play" several of the content of the book has detailed, similar and different, it is clear that in the long-term copy, not only one person made changes to the original presupl, it can be seen that "the world article a large copy" phenomenon in the Qing Dynasty is not uncommon. Most of these books contain the name of the "Ascending Taoist", which was the first to appear in the five-year-old transcript of the article. Mr. Cheng's "Test" and the article's expansion of the article "A number of ancient books of Shaolin Kung Fu" on Luo Han's short-term work (hereinafter referred to as: Cheng Wen) to verify, is the five-year transcript of Xianfeng.<br><br>Cheng Wen-yin believes: "In accordance with these two sequences of clouds, then "Rohan's short play" is the life of the people of the night." And think that the volume "the first volume has 'Xianfeng five years old in the West Jai' words, from which it should be xianfeng when people transcribed. "<br><br>From this, the reader can also be understood as: ascending Taoist in Xianfeng five years in The West Jai "re-ordered" "add Rohan work short play", and made a "re-ordered to add Rohan work short order." It is just that there are doubts, still need to dissect, to see the original nature of history.<br><br>From Cheng Wenlist's two so-called sequential information, the Ascendas Toludo to Qianlong copy of the "Wu-Bei True Biography" of the two original sequences have been deleted and added, so that the original meaning of the two sequences have a fundamental change, leading to the later misreading of false lettermis. First look at how Xu Qingyun's "Supplemental Rohan's Short Order" was changed:<br><br>How the Ascendas man changed Xu Qingyun's "Supplementing Rohan's Short Prelude"<br><br>How the Ascendas man changed Xu Qingyun's "Supplementing Rohan's Short Prelude"<br> <br>Xu Qingyun's "Supplemental Rohan's Short Order" is transcribed as follows:<br><br>Add Rohan's short sequence<br><br>The most important person to play short, has three times the success. The first line of accumulated force, exercise a hundred days, that is, to achieve. The second push sandbag, exercise the hammer. The third exercise is all the way. This three-multiplier also. He is such as the golden cover, swallowing water, blowing Dan, vertical and other techniques, are outside the evil demons, can not be passed down to the world. Only in this is easy, beneficial and non-destructive, can protect the country and protect the body. Although, short play is wonderful. Set once the strong neighbor pressure, dry gozi move, skimming the city, the stone cross- and , but also will be with their bare hands? Therefore, the blade of the army is also in the end. Gu Bing-edged learning, must first learn to do work, familiar with short play and then can. The cover-up edge is no more than a short-hitting technique to expand and fill the people. Easy short for long, take near for far. In fact, the blade is also short hit also, eighteen Rohan each fine one, and short hit and passed on to the world. Alone is a military-edged act, and the saint sits as a last resort. And short-hitting would rather be light? So I had to fight, and it was still a way to fight rather than to fight. Don't fight, but the way to break the ribs is out. And the sage's heart is bitter. The husband so-called interceptor, but cut its blood, its breath, so that the mind unconscious, hands and feet can not move, a rescue and Su, will not hurt people. The magic of short play is so great. Aspiring people carefully learn, fang does not bear the saint a piece of mother-in-law also. Note-shaped chart, detailed containing no hidden, a clear view. Re-forth the Ten Commandments, attached to the after, would like to know the common inscription also.<br> Qianlong Noon-Yuan-Yu Qingyun Sequence<br><br>First, change the serial name, delete the drop, misplaced location.<br><br>The first is a change in the prosandal name. Ascendas people in the original sequence name added the word "reordering", became "re-ordered to add Rohan's short sequence." If this changed prologue alone, since it should be the Ascendas re-revised Xu Qingyun re-series of "add Rohan's short-kick" after the sequence. But this is not the case, this reordered about The introduction of Rohan's short-term work, is basically copied Xu Qingyun's original sequence.<br><br>It is true that the heavy contents of the boxing spectrum have been rearranged and laid out. As Cheng Wen said: "Rohan's short work" is divided into four volumes, volume one for the "The True Biography of Shaolin Clothing", for the general theory; volume two is "Painting like Rohan short-hitting variant", all talk boxing law; volume three is "Painting like Rohan soldier blade all-round", talking about all kinds of instruments; volume four is "Drawing the whole spectrum of Rohan's work", speaking of the "18 Luohan". "The name and content of this four volume series is very different from the "volume one" and "volume two" of Xu Qingyun's remake of Wu-Bian-Jin-Yuan, and can be regarded as a "re-order" of the taoist's boxing spectrum. Unfortunately, it is not reasonable to mention such an important arrangement change and the four volumes of naming, both in the reorder. The only explanation is that the Ascendas do not want to mention the original sequence of Xu Qingyun's work, nor do they want to mention that it is Xu Qingyun's remake of the "supplemented Rohan's short play".<br><br>The second is that the order of the drop was deleted. "Re-ordering and supplementing Rohan's short sequence of work" did not drop the money, this unusual phenomenon is very doubtful. No wonder Cheng Wen quite puzzled to say that "Rohan's short play" has a similar sequence of articles, after the Fu's Taoist sequence there is a 're-ordered addition of Rohan's work short sequence'"; It can be seen that it is a sequence, Cheng Wen is not very sure.<br><br>If it is said that it is the ascending man who missed the payment, the probability is very small, because the pre-reorder of the Froome's sequence is to retain the payment. Therefore, the greatest possibility is that the payment is deliberately deleted. It is reasonable to say that if this reordering is done by the Ascending Taoists, he should naturally have his own money. But the content of the prequel about Luo Han's short work is clearly copied from Xu Qingyun's original sequence. Although the proscribe and prologues have additional text, it is clearly inappropriate to pay for the promotion of the Tao. But if you keep Xu Qingyun's money, probably the people of the Tao people are reluctant, so simply delete the calculation. In this way, the reordering becomes the order of no money, leaving the reader with suspense and suspicion.<br><br>Of course, even if the order is deleted and missing, the reader does not doubt that the author of the sequence is a preacher, but do not know that the real serial author should be Xu Qingyun.<br><br>Again, it's a misplacement of two sequential positions. Cheng Wen-ka-testified said: "Ascending And The Fu-Tao's explanatory text, not in the first order of the book volume, nor at the end of the volume for the trek, but sandwiched in the middle of the "Painting like Rohan's full spectrum" before volume four." The name "order", but put the wrong place, what is going on?<br><br>Because it is a manuscript, it is possible that the transcribe inadvertently put two prologues to the wrong place. It is more likely that the ascending people are deliberate. Whether intentionally or not, the two sequences are placed in a non-sequential position, except for confusing, and do not affect the function of their presentation.<br><br>In short, Qianlong twenty-seven years Xu Qingyun's original sequence, to Xianfeng five years, due to the order name, payment, order position changes, its original appearance has been fundamentally changed. Most importantly, although the sequence is not paid, the reader will take it for granted that the Ascendas are regarded as the authors of the prologue, and the real author Xu Qingyun is hidden.<br><br>Second, the reorder of the content of the "Rohan's short play", in addition to the traces of deliberate lysing, and individual errors, the original sequence of Xu Qingyun text.<br><br>Cheng Wen for the purpose of writing the need, mentioned in the reordered content, there are two paragraphs of Xu Qingyun original sequence text.<br><br>One, Cheng Wen: "So suspected for the ascending of the Tao people to do the 're-ordered addition of Rohan's work short sequence' will cloud: 'He is such as the golden bell cover, swallowing, blowing Dan, even the land and other spells, are outside the evil, can not pass on the world." Only take this is easy, beneficial and non-destructive, can protect the country and the guard'. "<br><br>Reorderthis with this text, the previous sentence in the "swallow", miss a "water" word, the original sequence is "swallow water" three words. This should be a leak in the original sequence of the transcription xu Qingyun, not a big problem.<br><br>The latter sentence "only take this is easy, beneficial, can protect the country and the defender" can obviously be seen is artificial changes, but it is not reasonable to change. One is to add the word "take" and "person", this is an extra two words, and the first is to change the "protect the country and protect the body" to "protect the country and guard the body", which is only a change of the same word, no practical significance. The original sequence of this sentence is: "Only in this is easy, beneficial and non-destructive, can protect the country and protect the body." "It's been simple, there's nothing wrong with it. To make such a change is to paint a snake.<br><br>Second, Cheng Wen: "Re-ordering and supplementing Rohan's short sequence of work" also said: 'The military blade, the saint sage has to do it, and the short play would rather be light? Therefore, I have to fight, still show to fight rather than not hit, and the way to break the ribs out. And the sage's intentions are like the husband." The so-called interceptor, but cut its blood, its breath, so that the mind unconscious, hands and feet can not move, a rescue and Su, will not hurt people. The magic of short play is so great. Aspiring people carefully learn, fang does not bear the saint a piece of mother-in-law also. '"<br><br>Reorderthis of this text, the use of punctuation marks how temporarily regardless, except for the sentence before the missing "only" word, "bitter" written as a different word "if", the rest are the same as the original sequence.<br><br>Therefore, the reorder of the text about Luo Han's short play, from Xu Qingyun's original sequence, not made by the Tao people.<br><br>Third, the reorder ingresss obviously has the content of the ascending Taoistadd.<br><br>Cheng Wen in the examination of the three sentences in the reorder of the text is Xu Qingyun original order did not have, indicating that on the basis of the original sequence, the Ascending Taoistadd added a new content. Cheng is listed as follows:<br><br>One, "the ascending taoist in the post sequence said: 'Short hitter, Shaolin Fuju Zen teacher also. '"<br> Second, "and said, 'There are distant apprentices who will take it with you, and seek nothing'. " <br> Third, "in the latter order, he said: 'Because of the imagination, re-editing, inter-participation, make up for what is unprecedented.' "<br><br>The veracity of these three new additions is questionable.<br><br>First of all, "the short hitter, Shaolin Fuju Zen master also wrote." "Although this is a reference to "short fight", but because the content of the boxing spectrum is "add Rohan's short fight", the actual statement is that the boxing spectrum is Shaolin Fujizen teacher. However, the ascending Taoist re-ordered the addition of Rohan's work short play, its predecessor is Qianlong copy of the "Wube true biography" by Xu Qingyun re-series of "supplementrohan work short play." Qianlong manuscript does not mention the "Shaolin Fuju" four words, if it is really a blessing residence, such an important information Xu Qingyun will not know, not to know but not to indicate. Objective situation is clear, the fist spectrum material to his hands is "adding Rohan's short fight", obviously not a one-time, which i do not know gathered more than a few predecessors of the martial arts wisdom. It can be said that the addition of the previous "Rohan short play" from when and who, fear no one can make clear.<br><br>Cheng Wen test is a five-year copy of Xianfeng, it put forward a question about Shaolin Fuju said: "In fact, "Rohan's short fight" is really like the rising night Taoist cloud for Shaolin Fuju Zen master collection, even whether there is really a Fuju Zen master of its people, very doubtful. "Other researchers also mostly agree with Cheng Wen's view that Shaolin Fuju is a pseudo-trust figure.<br><br>Therefore, the reorder edging of the "short hitter, Shaolin Fujizen master also." "It's false information added by the Ascendas. The corresponding volume of a "The True Biography of Shaolin Clothes" is also just a light Shaolin fame, and is not true.<br><br>Secondly, "there are distant apprentices will be carried away, seeking no avail", "because of imagination, re-editing, inter-participation, make up for the unprecedented." These two sentences are the relationship between the causes and consequences. There is an apprentice to take away the boxing spectrum or not to come back, so re-repair the spectrum, you have to rely on their own memories to imitate, re-edited. Re-ordering and supplementing Rohan's short-term score is the theoretical part is quite complicated, a total of four volumes of boxing spectrum content includes boxing theory, boxing, military blade and performance and other parts, relying on the brain to remember and write out as is, how easy to talk about? This hyperbole is hard to believe.<br><br>As for the "inter-argument, make up for the unprecedented", in the original content to add their own opinions, add points of the original spectrum does not have martial arts information, this is understandable normal phenomenon.<br><br>Therefore, the reorder more than the original sequence out of the text part, is the ascending taoist people to name Shaolin and highlight their own re-order and added content.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
How Taoist shengxiao changed Xu Qingyun's preface to supplement Luohan Xinggong short fight<br>Liu Guo Shun<br>The preface contents of several genealogical books about "luohanxinggong short fight" are detailed and slightly different. Obviously, in the long-term copying, not only one person has made changes to the original preface. It can be seen that the phenomenon of "one copy of the world's articles" was not uncommon in the Qing Dynasty. Most of these genealogical books contain the name of "Taoist ascending to the sky", among which the preface of the manuscript in the fifth year of Xianfeng appears first. Mr. Cheng Dali's textual research and the expansion article "some textual research on Shaolin Kungfu ancient books · about luohanxinggong short fight" (hereinafter referred to as "Cheng Wen") are the five-year transcripts of Xianfeng.<br>According to the textual research of Cheng Wen, "according to these two orders, Luohan Xinggong short fight" was written by Taoist shengxiao. It is believed that the manuscript "has the words" Xianfeng was five years old in Yimao laoxizhai "at the beginning of the volume, so it should be copied by Xianfeng people at that time."<br>According to this, the readers can also understand that: in the fifth year of Xianfeng, Taoist shengxiao "redrew" the supplement of luohanxinggong short fighting "in laoxizhai, and made the preface of redrew and supplement of luohanxinggong short fighting. However, there are doubts in it, which need to be analyzed to see clearly the true face of history.<br>From the information of the two so-called preface listed in Cheng Wen's manuscript, Taoist shengxiao deleted and added the original preface of the two manuscripts of Qianlong, which fundamentally changed the original meaning of the two preface and led to the misunderstanding and misinformation of later generations. First, let's see how Xu Qingyun's preface to supplement luohanxinggong short fight has been changed:<br>How Taoist shengxiao changed Xu Qingyun's preface to supplement Luohan Xinggong short fight<br>How Taoist shengxiao changed Xu Qingyun's preface to supplement Luohan Xinggong short fight<br>A copy of Xu Qingyun's preface to supplement luohanxinggong short fight is as follows:<br>[add the preface of Luohan Xinggong short fight<br>The most important player in short combat is the third best player. The first line of accumulated power, drill for a hundred days, is successful. The second is to push sandbags and play hammer hands. Third, exercise various techniques. These three times work. His skills, such as the golden mask, swallowing runes and water, blowing the pill and standing on the ground, are all external evil spirits and cannot be passed down. However, it is just and peaceful, beneficial and undamaged, and can protect the country and the body. Although, short fighting is wonderful. Suppose that once a strong neighbor presses down on the border, the GaN and Ge move together to attack the city and attack the city with their swords and stones, they will also face each other with their bare hands? Therefore, the weapon is also used by those who do not abandon it. The study of Gu Bing's blade must first learn how to practice Kung Fu, and then be proficient in short combat. It's not enough to build a weapon but to expand the technique of short fighting. Short is long, close is far. In fact, the blade is also short fighting. Each of the eighteen Arhats has one of the best skills, which is passed down to the world together with short fighting. It's only a sword move, which sage has to do. And would you rather use it lightly? So I had to fight, but I still showed that I wanted to fight instead of fighting. Do not hit the hit, but the way out of the muscle cut. But the sage's heart is bitter. The so-called amputee, however, Amputates its blood and chokes up its breath, making the mind and spirit unconscious, unable to move its hands and feet. Once it is saved, it will not hurt people. This is the best short fight. Those who have the will to study carefully will not lose the sage's heart. The annotated figure is detailed without concealment, and the general view is open-minded. Ten commandments, attached to the respect, willing to have knowledge of the common inscription.<br>Preface to Xu Qingyun in August<br>1、 Change the sequence name, delete the signature and misplace it.<br>The first is the change of sequence name. Taoist shengxiao added the word "reduplicate" in front of the original preface, which became "reduplicate and supplement the preface of Luohan Xinggong short fight". If we only look at the changed preface, it should be the preface made by Taoist shengxiao after he revised Xu Qingyun's repertoire of "adding the boxing score of luohanxinggong short fight". However, this is not the case. The introduction of Luohan Xinggong short fight in this reorder basically copied Xu Qingyun's original preface.<br>It's true that we rearranged the complicated contents of the boxing manual. As Cheng Wen said, "luohanxinggong short fight" is divided into four volumes, Volume 1 is the true story of Shaolin's mantle, which is the general introduction; Volume 2 is the variant form of painting Luohan's short fight, which all talks about fist techniques; Volume 3 is the complete form of painting Luohan's Blade, which talks about all kinds of instruments; Volume 4 is the complete spectrum of painting Luohan's Xinggong, which talks about the "Eighteen Luohan's trend" of internal skill guidance. " The names and contents of these four volumes are quite different from those of "Volume 1" and "Volume 2" which Xu Qingyun has not compiled in the true martial arts biography. They can be regarded as the "reduplication" of kunpu by Taoist shengxiao. Unfortunately, it is unreasonable not to mention a single word in such an important arrangement and change and the naming of four volumes. The only explanation is that Taoist shengxiao didn't want to mention the original preface made by Xu Qingyun or the "supplementary Luohan Xinggong short fight" edited by Xu Qingyun.<br>Secondly, the signature of preface is deleted. "Reordering and supplementing the preface of luohanxinggong short fight" has not been concluded, which is a very suspicious phenomenon. It's no wonder that Cheng Wen said doubtfully that "there is an article similar to the preface in luohanxinggong short fight, not to mention that there is another" reorder and supplement the preface of luohanxinggong short fight "after the preface of Taoist". He also said that "so it's not surprising that the" reorder and supplement the preface of luohanxinggong short fight "made by the Taoist for shengxiao is just a question...". It can be seen that Cheng Wen is not quite sure whether it is a preface.<br>If it is Taoist shengxiao who omitted to write the signature, the possibility is very small, because the preface before the reorder is not the same as that of Taoist who retained the signature. Therefore, the greatest possibility is to intentionally delete the signature. If this reorder is made by Taoist shengxiao, it should be signed by him. However, the content of the preface about Luohan Xinggong short fight is obviously the original preface of Xu Qingyun. Although there are supplementary words in the preface and preface, it is obviously improper for the Taoist to sign the name of shengxiao. But if we keep the signature of Xu Qingyun, maybe Taoist shengxiao is reluctant, so we just delete it. In this way, reordering becomes the order of no settlement, leaving readers with suspense and suspicion.<br>Of course, even if the signature of the preface is deleted and missing, the reader does not doubt that the author of the preface is Taoist shengxiao, but does not know that the real author of the preface should be Xu Qingyun.<br>Again, the misplacement of the two order positions. Cheng Wen textual research said: "the explanatory words of Sheng Xiao Taoist and Fu Bei Taoist are not in the preface of the volume, nor in the postscript at the end of the volume, but in the middle before the Volume IV of the complete spectrum of painting xiangluohanxinggong". It's called "preface", but it's misplaced. What's the matter?<br>Because it's a manuscript, it's possible that the sender accidentally misplaced the two preface. It is more likely that Taoist shengxiao intended to do it. Whether it is intentional or not, the two orders are placed in a non order position, which does not affect the function of the introduction except for the confusion.<br>In a word, Xu Qingyun's original preface in the 27th year of Qianlong's reign had fundamentally changed in the five years of Xianfeng's reign due to the change of the name, the signature and the position of the preface. Most importantly, although the preface has not been signed, readers will take it for granted that Taoist shengxiao is the author of the preface, and the real author Xu Qingyun is hidden.<br>2、 In addition to the traces of deliberate changes and individual mistakes, the contents of the preface about "Luohan Xinggong short fight" are the words of Xu Qingyun's original preface.<br>For the purpose of writing, there are two paragraphs of Xu Qingyun's original preface.<br>First of all, Cheng Wen: "so it is doubted that the" reorder and supplement of Luohan Xinggong short fight preface "made by Taoist shengxiao said:" his skills, such as golden bell mask, swallow talisman, blowing pill and vertical ground, are all external evil spirits and can't be handed down. However, those who take this as the only one that can protect the country and the body, which is beneficial and undamaged. "<br>In the first sentence, the word "water" is omitted. The original order is "water". This should be the omission of the original order of Xu Qingyun, not a big problem.<br>However, it is obvious that it has been changed artificially, but it has no reason to change it. One is to add the words "take" and "person", which are redundant; the other is to change "protect the country and protect the body" to "protect the country and protect the body", which is just a change of synonyms, and has no practical significance. The original preface of this sentence is: "only in this case, it is just and peaceful, beneficial and undamaged, and can protect the country and protect the body." It is concise and comprehensive, and there is nothing wrong with it. To make such a change is to paint the lily with the lily.<br>Second, Cheng Wen: "the preface to redrafting and supplementing the short fighting of Luohan Xinggong is also known as:" the sage has to do it by himself, but would rather use it lightly? Therefore, if you have to fight, you still need to fight instead of fighting without fighting, and the way to cut off the pulse is to separate the tendons. The sage's heart is like a man's. The so-called amputee, however, Amputates its blood, chokes up its breath, causes the mind to be in a coma, hands and feet can't move, and once saved, the Soviet Union won't hurt people. This is the best short fight. Those who have the will to study carefully will not lose the sage's heart. "<br>No matter how punctuation marks are used in the reordered text, except for the omission of the word "only is" in front of the sentence and the word "if" in "bitter" in front of the sentence, the rest are the same as the original order.<br>Therefore, the text content of the preface about Luohan Xinggong short fight is from Xu Qingyun's original preface, which is not made by Taoist shengxiao.<br>3、 There are obviously some contents added by Taoist shengxiao in the reorder.<br>In the textual research, Cheng Wen listed three words in the reduplicated preface that Xu Qingyun didn't have in the original preface, indicating that on the basis of the original preface, the Taoist priest shengxiao added new contents. Cheng Wen is listed as follows:<br>First, "the Taoist of zhongshengxiao in the later preface said:" the short fighting is also written by the Buddhist monk of Shaolin. "<br>Second, "he said," there are distant apprentices who will take the spectrum and ask for nothing. "<br>Third, "in the latter preface, he said:" because of the imitation of imagination, he emphasized editing, consulted his own opinions, and supplemented what he did not have. "<br>The authenticity of these three new sentences is doubted.<br>First of all, it's written by Zen master Fu Ju of Shaolin Although this theory only mentions "short fight", but because the content of the fist manual is "supplement luohanxinggong short fight", it is actually said that the fist manual was written by Zen master Fuju of Shaolin. However, the supplement of luohanxinggong short hit, which was redrafted by Taoist shengxiao, was formerly the supplement of luohanxinggong short hit, which was compiled by Xu Qingyun in the manuscript of Qianlong. In the Qianlong manuscript, there is no mention of the four words "Shaolin Fu Ju". If it was really Fu Ju, Xu Qingyun would not not not know such important information, not to mention it. It's obvious from the objective situation that what the fist manual materials have been handed to him is "supplement luohanxinggong short fight", which is obviously not made by one person at one time, and it's unknown how many predecessors' martial arts wisdom have been gathered. It can be said that no one can say clearly when or who the supplement to the previous "luohanxinggong short fight" originated.<br>Cheng Wen examined the manuscript of Xianfeng in five years, and questioned Shaolin's theory of Fuju: "in fact, whether luohanxinggong short hit is as true as shengxiao Taoist said it was collected by Shaolin's Fuju Zen master, or even whether it is really a Fuju Zen master, is very doubtful." Other researchers also mostly agree with Cheng Wen's view that Shaolin Fu Ju is a hypocrite.<br>Therefore, it is necessary to revise the preface "the short hitter, written by Zen master Fu Ju of Shaolin" It is the false information added by Taoist shengxiao. The name of the corresponding volume I, the true story of Shaolin's mantle, is just a borrowing of Shaolin's fame, not true.<br>Secondly, "there are distant apprentices who take away the spectrum and seek for the impossible", "because of imitating imagination, they focus on editing,
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