I'm glad he deserves it.<br><br>You're happy.<br><br>I make you happy, I make you happy<br><br>You're happy to hit someone, aren't you?<br><br>Who taught you to be like this?<br><br>I worked so hard to get you to school.<br><br>Just because you're happy, isn't it?<br><br>I'm glad he deserves it.<br><br>I didn't teach you well.<br><br>I'm glad he deserves it.<br><br>The teacher is right.<br><br>I asked myself that, too.<br><br>Who didn't teach me well?<br><br>People have moms to teach, i don't.<br><br>I didn't.<br><br>My classmates show off to me.<br><br>Say his own lunch box.<br><br>It's all made by Mom herself.<br><br>They laughed at me.<br><br>Say it's a poor bug without a mother.<br><br>I grew up without a mother.<br><br>I haven't eaten my mother's own food.<br><br>I'm jealous of them, I envy them.<br><br>Teacher, you tell me<br><br>Why am I different than my other classmates?<br><br>Why did my mother die early?<br><br>Why am I two moms leaving?<br><br>Why<br><br>Teacher, you tell me you told me.<br><br>Don't cry, good.<br><br>I'm not good.<br><br>I was wrong, I shouldn't have hit you.<br><br>It doesn't hurt, it hurts, does it?<br><br>You listen to me, you have a mother.<br><br>Neither mother left you.<br><br>He's always been there for you.