For the third consecutive month, the manufacturer scored A-level (excellent supplier) was listed as the preferred procurement target<br> For the third consecutive month, the manufacturer scored Class B (good supplier) accepts and cooperates to maintain the purchase volume.<br> If a person rated as a "C" grade (evaluated general supplier) at one time, the quality supervisor or purchasing department will notify the supplier of improvement in the review of the bad project, and the quality supervisor of the corresponding supplier will report to the company on-site on the 10th of the following month.<br> If a person rated as "D" (a supplier with poor evaluation) at one time, the procurement shall be subject to a reduction order or cancellation of an order according to the internal quality situation, requiring the supplier to improve within the prescribed time limit, and the next 10th of the company shall be reviewed by the company's top supervisor or the top head of the Quality Assurance Department, and the improvement has not been completed within the prescribed time limit, Disqualify a qualified manufacturer.<br> If the score drops for 3 consecutive months, the supplier is required to submit an improvement report and come to us to review it. At the same time, if the score drops for 5 consecutive months, the supplier level automatically drops one level and is dealt with in accordance with the above terms.<br> Without violating the above principles, the purchase order should consider the following three points (i.e. as a reference for placing the order for purchase)<br> a: Market b: Cost comparison c: Industry special materials