After the arrangement of the support steth with box beam is completed, the level measurement is adjusted to its upper surface height consistent, and the bottom of the mat is adjusted with the appropriate thickness steel plate, the 630T track crane lifts the stator again, at this time the lifting stator operating radius is 14m, 54m main arm and 15m over-lifting radius over-starting conditions. When the bottom of the stopper leaves the track pad 100mm when the crane stops hooking, check the stopper lifting rope and track lifting parts, and the over lifting weight leaves the ground, confirm that there is no abnormality, the 630T track lifting continues to hook, to the bottom height of the stationer exceeds 100mm on the surface of the hydraulic lifting device track when the crane stops hooking. The two sides of the sage will slowly rotate the stopper clockwise by 90 degrees with the pre-hung drag hand hoist, stop the rotation when the longitudinal centerline of the stopper and the vertical centerline of the generator meet, the radius of the 630t track lifting operation remains unchanged after the seth is stable, the 630T track crane will begin to slowly hook back to the bottom of the stationer when the surface height of the box beam is 100mm, stop the slow hook, and the track will start to move slowly forward. Stop the vehicle when the stopper center of gravity point and the design center of gravity position when laying the box beam (3997mm from the official center of gravity point of the generator), and slowly hook back to smooth the stopper on the 7 box beams. Then confirm that 7 support box beams and generator bench surface contact strict, table plate and its bottom temporary support pad iron contact strict, and there are no abnormal, 630T track lifting hook, remove the super lifting weight part.