(i) Pragmatic perspective<br>Pragmatics is an important branch in the field of linguistics, with a focus on the communicative function of language. With the deepening of linguistics, some scholars began to use the theory of pragmatics to study language. Pragmatic theory is produced on this basis, pragmatics research focus on the actual use of various languages, the use of people in daily life more commonly used language content. In some specific contexts, it is possible to violate the principles of linguistics, the main purpose is to better show the character of the character, the character's inner world to carry out a more realistic description. In the novel "The Good Man Is Hard to Find", pragmatic sedit is a very important angle. Degrees, although the dialogue of characters is not much, but from the simple dialogue of novels can be seen the character characteristics of the characters, but also can analyze the subject, thus producing a more important language transfer effect, so that the reader from the analysis of the character language process to deepen the understanding of the subject.