DSA Tips: 1, right cervical artery bone section limitation puffing shadow; 2, right vertebral artery contrast see the far segment of the vertebral artery long section irregular expansion change; preoperative diagnosis: 1. right cervical artery rock bone section mezzanine aneurysm, right right right vertebral mezzanine pulsating aneurysm.<br><br>Treatment: Oral aspirin 100mg 3 days before surgery, 75mg of clopidogrel.<br>Full hemp rear 6F crucible, placed guide catheter in the right neck artery near end, micro-guide guide, stent catheter placed in the carrier tumor artery, after micro-guide guide, micro-catheter placed in the aneurysm cavity, released a stent covering the aneurysm neck, stent assisted by several spring ring embolis mezzanine aneurystic, anime showed that the embolism is satisfactory, cervical artery far end rendering is good.<br>All 8 patients were successfully treated.<br>One of the patients combined had a stenosis on the side neck artery stenosis, while the intra-neck artery stent was given an instentual disposition.<br>Postoperative hypomolecular heparin subcutaneous injection 3 days, conventional oral aspirin June and chlorbi-gray 3, 1 patient combined with multiple cardiovascular disease risk factors and recommended lifetime use of aspirin; 7 patients immediately angiography aneurystic aneurysm cavity does not develop, 1 spring ring assisted embolism aneurysm cavity a small amount of imaging, cervical artery are positive, no intraoperative rupture bleeding, thrombosis and other complications.<br>A statistical table of the basic conditions of patient treatment.<br>Patient number.<br>The patient's gender.<br>Age of the patient.<br>The near end diameter of the artery in the neck.<br>The diameter of the far end of the artery in the neck.<br>The width of the cancer neck.<br>Treatment.<br>Bracket brand.<br>Bracket type.<br>Complications.<br>Follow-up time.<br>Follow-up results Rank rated ranked.<br>Simple bracket placement.<br>Abbott.<br>Acculink stand.<br>6mm x 8mm x 40mm conical stand.<br>Good, 5.<br>Woman.<br>Bud.<br>FVL06040 bracket.<br>Bracket s/spring-ring embolism.<br>Protege cervical artery stent, Solitaire AB.<br>1) SEPX-8-6-40-135; near end 8mm, far end 6mm, long 40mm; 2) 6mm x 30mm.<br>Solitare AB bracket.<br>Protege cervical artery stent.<br>1) Solitaire AB bracket; 2) LEO bracket.<br>Typical example: an aneurysm in the outer cranial section of the left cervical artery.<br>Preoperative CTA image: