In 2012, the company signed a contract and supplementary agreement with Shaanxi Red Leaf Company for the construction of the landscape of office space, including the construction of the swimming pool project at three bases, the Mandalay headquarters, the Mandalay Vetchin Repair Center and the Naypyman office.<br>During the implementation of the project, Shaanxi Red Leaf Company has actually completed the swimming pool equipment in accordance with the contract requirements, but due to the cancellation of the swimming pool project, resulting in the equipment could not be actually installed. Due to storage and transportation reasons, PVC pipes, fiberglass tanks and pump equipment have been damaged by multiple handling losses, resulting in the use of these equipment is not yet of value.To date, various contractual costs of $823,256 have actually been charged for the three-site swimming pool project (see table below, whichever is the financial data).