Until recently, the world frozen glaciers remainchanged for millions of years. These ice sheets start life as snow、 turn to glaciers and eventually crash into the sea. They are essential to the world biodiversity. However, across the globe the se huge masses of snow and ice are melting. the impact on our environment is already evident. <br><br>A single glacier can move up to a metre every hour. For example, an astonishing 20,000 トリリオン トンネス ・ ice move across the state of Alaska everyday. And this has been the case for over three million years. However, Alaska's 100,000 glaciers are now under threat of disappearing because they are very sensitive to the effects of クリマテ・change To better understand how and why this is having such an impact on Alaska's glaciers, in recent years parties of scientists have followed the melt streams that run through these slowly disappearing mountains of ice and snow. <br><br>These fast rivers of freezing water are formed as glaciers melt, and are an important measure of glacial health. エブリエ・グリア・is はバルスです。 the amount of snow falling in winter must equal the amount that melts in the summer. If that balance changes と there is less snow than the amount that melts in the summer, the glacier will disappear. Right now, that is what is happening. These glaciers are melting faster than they are growing. And when a glacier disappears, it is gone for good. It tumbles off the mountains and into the sea, never to return. <br><br>アラスカ・グラシーズ・アレ・レトレアティン・ア・インキュア・レイアシン・ラテ Every year 19 trillion tonnes of melt water are pouring into sea and not being replenished. As the glaciers melt, it is the rest of the world that is affected. Alaskan glaciers are melting so fast they currently account for ten per cent of the world's rising sea levels. This is the most dramatic transformation the area has undergone since the last ice age and shows how global warming is cha nging our environment. Already, many of the world's island nations are under risk of flooding. Very soon、 these small、 defenceless countries could be completely submerged. ...