At baseline, all Nine Participants hatte implizit swaallowing safety and/ oder efficiency (per the Inclusion Criteria). Specificly, Drei participants demonstrated implied swaallowing safety only (Pas score of 3 or higher), Zwei participants demonstrated implemented efficiency only (mbsimp component 16 pharyngeal residue score 2 or higher) und The remaining four participators hatten beide sicherheits-und efficiency concerns.A summary of the statistical analysis appears in Tabelle 2. Analysis of pas scores indicated that the swaallowing safety did not improve significantly POS T-Tretment, DeSpine the MEDIAN Score Improving from A3 (Unsafe/ Penetration) to 1 (Safety/ Normal) Das Ergebnis war ungelöst. Hen we categoryized the Pas data in a binary Fasthion (1 and 2 vs 3 through 8) [McNemar, P = 0, 125]. hower, The Analysis of MBSimP scores showed significant reductions (Improvements) in both ot scores and in PT scores.