第4部分 急救措施  一般建议:  远离危险区域。向前来的医生出示本安全技术说明书。不把受害人单独留下而无人守护。  若吸入:  大量吸入后的英语翻译

第4部分 急救措施 一般建议: 远离危险区域。向前来的医生出示本安

第4部分 急救措施 一般建议: 远离危险区域。向前来的医生出示本安全技术说明书。不把受害人单独留下而无人守护。 若吸入: 大量吸入后,请立即就医。若无意识,将患者脱离现场至空气新鲜处并寻求医生建议。 若皮肤接触: 立即脱去污染的衣物,用大量流动清水冲洗皮肤。
源语言: -
目标语言: -
结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Section 4 First aid measures <br>General advice: <br>away from danger area. The doctor who comes to show this safety data sheet. The victim is not left alone without guarding. <br>If inhaled: <br>After inhaling a large amount, seek medical attention immediately. If unconscious, remove the patient from the scene to a place with fresh air and seek medical advice. <br>In case of skin contact: <br>Take off the contaminated clothing immediately and rinse the skin with plenty of running water.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Part 4 First Aid Measures. <br> General recommendations: <br> Stay away from hazardous areas. Present this safety technical specification to the visiting doctor. The victim is not left alone and unguarded. <br> If inhaled: <br> Seek medical attention immediately after a large amount of inhalation. If unconscious, remove the patient from the scene to fresh air and seek medical advice. <br> If skin contact: <br> Remove contaminated clothing immediately and rinse the skin with plenty of flowing water.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
Part 4 first aid measures<br>General recommendations:<br>Keep away from dangerous areas. Show this safety data sheet to the coming doctor. Don't leave the victim alone without protection.<br>If inhaled:<br>Seek medical advice immediately after inhalation. If unconscious, remove the patient from the scene to a fresh air and seek medical advice.<br>In case of skin contact:<br>Take off contaminated clothes immediately and wash skin with plenty of flowing water.
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