The UPGMA Evolutionary Tree (Figure 5) of natural semi-maple load species shows that 154 samples can be divided into 2 major categories, and the Category I group consists mainly of samples from 10 populations, including DH, LC, LA, DY, PY, SX, QL, NJ and Z. Class II group includes samples from seven populations, including SW, RS, SC, JH, CT, YD and WP. Four LC population samples and one NJ population sample belonging to the Category I group drifted into class II, while 7 SC population samples and 3 RS population samples belonging to Category II group also drifted into category I. When subdivided into subgroups, the three subgroups, Id, IIb, and IIc, are pure and do not contain other subgroups, while Ia and Ib contain more samples that do not belong to the subgroup and belong to the hybrid subgroup.