Remarks:<br>1. Herp access date: November 14, 2019;<br>2. Group access range: for groups with return time of 2019.11.01 to 2019.12.31, cancel the group and offer group;<br>3. Revenue amount determination criteria: if the A / R status of the group is "rejected" & "blank", the average unit price of the group whose sales return time is from January to September will be used as the average revenue; for the other a / R status, the A / R amount submitted to the system will be used; if there is no a / R, the average unit price in front will be used as the average revenue;<br>4. Determination method of gross profit amount: on November 14, 2019, the gross profit of the closed group = A / r-a / p; the gross profit of the other groups = A / R * average gross profit rate (the average gross profit rate of the groups whose sales time is from January to October is used as the gross profit prediction index)<br>