Our so called "FLAGSHIP" at our company is made of a varied assortment of products. It is made of the well known Slivovitz in different varieties: KOSHER, non-KOSHER, Gold as well as Apricot, Cherry, Pear Williams brandy and many more.
Our so called "FLAGSHIP" at our company is made of a varied assortment of products It is made of the well known Slivovitz in different varieties:. KOSHER, non-KOSHER, Gold as well as Apricot, Cherry, Pear Williams brandy and many more .
Our so called s "FLAGSHIP" at ours is made of a varied assortment of products. It is made out of the well know slivovitz in different: KOSHER, non-KOSHER, Gold as well as as Apricot, Cherry, Pear W Illiams brandy and many more.