Therefore, the resulting metapath consists only of the type of edge, which is difficult to use in many cases when node types need to be considered.<br>In addition, in the similarity measure of complex heterogeneity networks, the query-based metapath rapid generation method (Query-base Meta Path Generation Algorithm, QMPG) was proposed by Wang et al. to generate the desired set of metapath candidates.<br>The method requires a given path length l, by searching for all eligible sets of short metapaths with l2 lengths from the start and end points on their own defined query-based network patterns, and finally by merging the merged metapaths in the two short metapath collections, thus forming a collection of metapaths with a length of l from start to end.<br>This method requires specifying the length l in advance, and for enumeration of all possible lengths, the time complexity of the algorithm is too high.