Slogan: Moon, very far from the ground <br><br><br>Moon-very far from the ground, Moon UpperGround, writing literature, prose, short stories, poetry, paragraphs, comments <br><br><br>The idea of <br><br><br>the moon is off the ground, thinking, thinking, expressing the counterfeit beauty of the anti-real world, the fantasy of walking on the moon in a floating way, and achieving the fetters without gravity, struggling to unlock the invisibility of the earth ’s unlimited restraint Iron chain, trying to uncover the legend, the light from the moon will reflect the wolves manifested by the werewolf, and the infinite evolution of the wild nature that cannot be controlled. The moon's light is not only reactive radiation to special creatures, but also an evolution that may have a radiation effect on all the earth's objects. It can also brighten the conditions of crazy people, ridiculously unlimited expressions, and very unrealistically far away from the ground, for the creation of ideas.