Full hemp hyperselective cerebrovascular angiography, left cervical aneurysm intervention embolism, stent placement.<br>Take aspirin after surgery until 6M after surgery.<br>Take clopidogrel to 3M after surgery.<br>Main complaint: Headache 4 plus days.<br>Medical history: 4 days before the admission to the hospital no obvious cause of headache, the back pillow persistent swelling pain, accompanied by dizziness, no nausea, vomiting, fearless cold, fever, no walking instability and other discomfort, now for further diagnosis and treatment of hospital admission.<br>Past history: 5 years of history of hypertension, the most high blood pressure 220mmhg, medication treatment.<br>There are 20 plus smoking, 10 pieces/day, denied drinking history.<br>Nervous system check: Shenqing, to answer the question, two-sided pupils and other large and other large circle about 3mm, sensitive to light reflection, eyeball to all parties to the movement in place, no eye shock, two-sided forehead line symmetry, nasal lip groove symmetry, tongue center, mouth angle without skew.<br>The muscle tone of the limbs is normal, the muscle strength of the limbs is 5 levels, the shallow depth feels normal, the tendon strain of the limbs is normal, the two-sided finger-nose test, the joint knee palate test is normal, the two-sided pathological signs (-), the neck resistance (-).<br>Imaging examination: skull CT examination: right vertebral artery inner section of the end walking area see a class of circular slightly dense shadow, size of about 1.2cm x 1.6cm, adjacent brain stem tissue pressure, four ventricle narrow, consider occupancy lesions?<br>Aneurysm?.<br>Head MRA examination: right vertebral artery intracranial section of the long-range aneurysm combined attachment wall thrombosis may be; . . right intra-cervical artery section limitation stomp, considering the possible aneurysm.<br>DSA Tips: 1, right cervical artery bone section limitation puffing shadow; 2, right vertebral artery contrast see vertebral artery long segment irregular expansion change; preoperative diagnosis: 1. right cervical artery artery section mezzanine aneurysm, right right right vertebral mezzanine pulsating aneurysm treatment: oral aspirin 100mg, clopidogre 75mg 3 days before surgery.<br>Full hemp rear 6F crucible, placed guide catheter in the right neck artery near end, micro-guide guide, stent catheter placed in the carrier tumor artery, after micro-guide guide, micro-catheter placed in the aneurysm cavity, released a stent covering the aneurysm neck, stent assisted by several spring ring embolis mezzanine aneurystic, anime showed that the embolism is satisfactory, cervical artery far end rendering is good.<br>All 8 patients were successfully treated.