Research on control and optimization of central heating system of high-rise building based on distributed group control technology<br>[Abstract]: due to the great difference of energy-saving technology adopted in the building, the traditional central heating system control mode can not guarantee the indoor comfort temperature of the building group, and can not effectively distribute the workload of each circulating water pump according to the heating demand of the building group. Considering the influence of adjacent room temperature, the mathematical model of indoor temperature control based on state space method is established and verified. The model prediction distributed group control method is used to control and optimize the indoor temperature of the building, and the distributed group control optimization is carried out for the circulating water pump of the heat exchange station according to the predicted heat demand. The experimental results show that under the same indoor and outdoor environment, the established mathematical model of indoor temperature control can well reflect the actual indoor temperature and valve opening; based on the distributed indoor temperature model prediction group control can effectively regulate the indoor temperature and track the set value of each indoor temperature, and its thermal energy consumption is reduced by 14.28% compared with the traditional control mode of temperature control valve. At the same time, the efficiency of group control optimization of circulating water pump is increased by 16.74%,<br>[Key words]: central heating system, distributed group control technology, indoor temperature control, circulating water pump, model predictive control<br>