Current research shows that self-regulation (both cognitive and social-emotional) has a stronger association with school readiness than IQ or entry-level reading or math skills. Good self-regulation includes the ability to stay on task, ignore distractions, and hold two strategies in mind at the same time, as well as the development of self-discipline and the motivation to succeed. Aspects of self-regulation such as the ability to pay attention, remember on purpose, plan one's action, reflect on one's thinking, co-operation and act empathically towards peers, heavily influence a child's future success in school. Between self-regulation is associated with discipline problems and poor social social app. <br>Helping young children improve their self-regulation is critical to closing the content gap for many at-risk children, as well as helping all children reach their highestest potential.<br>A growing body of research developments that a lack of self-regulation may be root cause of many children's lack of school readiness.<br>The central focus of tools of the Mind (Tools) is the development of the two cognitive and social-emotional self-regulation at the same time that academic skills areaught t. In a Tools preschool:<br>Practice in self-enrolled learning is embedded into all activities.<br>Teachers use strategies to help children improve the quality of their dramatic-make-believe play so it fosters self-regulation development.<br>Research-based literacy and math activities are modified to include-self-regulatory components.<br>Specific instructional activities are designed to teach self-regulation and reflective thinking.<br>Classroom management managements maximize time-interactions and task involvement.<br>"Play creates the zone of proximal development of the child. In play, the child is always behaving beyond his age, above above his pernam every day behavior; in play, he is, as it were, a head above himself. Play contains in a centreed form, as in the focus of a magnifying glass, all developmental tendencies; it is as if child tries to jump above his usual level." slev Vygotsky<br>What is it like to be a Tools preschool teacher?<br>Tools of the Mind is based upon a specific set of beliefs about how children develop and learn. The core structure of Tools involves translating Vygotskian principles into practice with the goal of amplifying development in young children. Tools instructional interactions are planned to scaffold each child and to help teachers be more effective in identifying specific teachable moments. Tools teachers build a repertoire of strategies to support children's development of cognitive and social-emotional self-regulation.<br>Activities are multi-level, capable of meeting the needs of children from 2 1⁄2 to 5. Each child is challenged and supported at his or her own level. Teachers learn how to scaffold children with diverse needs within the same activity.<br>Using these strategies, Tools teachers focus on helping children become intentiona ...