

接下来给大家演示三卡盘的第二个优势,可以满足有切割尾料要求的客户大家都知道,两卡盘的机器,由于前卡盘和后卡盘之间有距离,同时后卡盘需要夹住管材,因此该区域的管材激光头是无法切到该区域的部分,三卡盘有效的解决了该问题,大家看一下该功能的动作演示.当然该功能适合那些对于加工量大尾料要求高的客人,因为有些激光公司的两卡盘尾料高于200毫米甚至接近300毫米,这对与客户来说是很大的浪费。当然我们公司两卡盘设备目前已经做到了最短尾料达到70mm,刚刚有客人留言询问三卡盘软件操作流程该设备的软件操作非常简单首先给大家演示一下如何导入软件,参数调节,三卡盘动作调试其次给大家介绍一下该软件的几大优势1该软件支持管材中心偏差实时补偿,这个大多数客人或者合作伙伴都接触过主要原因是因为管材的自身误差,导致实际切割偏差逐步加大, 偏差实时补偿就是在切割的时候设定固定的距离对管材进行偏差补偿,从新标定切割中心,从而实现更高的切割精度。2该软件采用总线系统,相应时间更快结合私服随动接料,拐角跟随更稳定,是拐角切割速度更快,切割质量更高3接下来就是支持三卡盘拉料切割,零尾料切割,空心卡盘进料切割,这个刚才给大家已经用实际动作演示过了,就不再过多的给大家阐述! ok 三卡盘设备功能演示到此,现在我们简单的给大家分享几个管材加工小技巧1 关于薄管过烧的问题,有的管材由于壁厚过薄,管径太小,所以有时候功率太强就会出现过烧的问题,除了调节工艺参数以外,还有一个更快的解决办法,就是将更小的管材放入被切割管材的内部,当然管径的大小有要求,最好是大于管材的的二分之一,小雨管材的三分之二,因为太小了,不能完全有效的解决,有的时候不能完全阻挡激光的光线,还是会过烧,太大了就会出现内管和外管的粘连.2第二,关于厚管焊缝的问题,因为管材壁厚的原因,所以管材衔接点大多都会有一条壁厚大小的焊缝,类似的问题如果大家想彻底解决,必须要5轴激光切管机,采取bevel cutting,但是5轴激光切管机,价格太高了,有些客人可能暂时负担不起,下面给大家分享个小诀窍,有些管材可以用更改图纸设计方案的方法来解决下面给大家展示一下同样的图纸要求,不同俄设计方案所带来的不同效果3接下来给大家分享的是关于防护栏行业的管材加工技巧大家都知道防护栏以方管和圆管为主,最主要的难点就是对穿孔和焊接点的对接关于对穿孔,首先需要完美的机器精度,保证管材能准确地对穿,这个问题我们的激光机器能保证切管精度对对穿孔工艺精度。我想对大家讲的是激光切管在这个行业本身实际应用中比精度更重要的是效率,1 管材穿插的时间,2工人焊接的时间为什么这么讲因为护栏有很多管材需要穿插,如果管径和孔径是一样大的,管材穿插起来会很慢,特别是一根竖管材需要横穿两个横栏的情况下,精度越准确,穿插速度越慢,因为会有摩擦力,所以建议大家把实际的切割孔径放大,这样穿插起来速度就会很快,当然具体大多少,我们建议外接圆大0.1mm 既能保证效率,也能保证稳固第二点就是焊接时间该行业大家一般都会做相贯口焊接,激光切管机非常适合相贯口切割,无论效率还是精度都比传统工艺高很多,但是无轮传统管材加工还是激光切管管材加工,对焊接工人师傅的要求都很高,因为长度刚刚好,就会有焊接不稳定的情况,稍有倾斜,我们给大家的解决方案是,不做相贯口切割,而是把工件做长,做平口切割,这样直接把管材插入管材内部,焊工稳定管材的工作会大大缩短,安装效率提升了安装结果更稳固了,焊接时间就会大大地缩短。好的,管材加工小技巧就给大家分享到这里,由于时间的原因,我们不能在线上给大家分享更多,大家有关于加工工艺的问题,可以线上留言,我们会一一给大家回复。
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Next, I will show you the second advantage of the three chuck, which can meet the requirements of cutting tails. <br><br>Everyone knows that the machine with two chucks, due to the distance between the front chuck and the rear chuck, and the rear chuck The pipe needs to be clamped, so the laser head of the pipe in this area cannot cut to the part of the area. The <br>three chuck effectively solves the problem. Let’s take a look at the action demonstration of <br><br>this function . Of course, this function is suitable for those with large processing volume. Customers with high material requirements, because some laser companies have two chuck tails higher than 200 mm or even close to 300 mm, which is a great waste for customers. Of course, our company's two-chuck equipment has achieved the shortest tail material reaching 70mm. <br><br>Just a guest left a message asking about the three-chuck software operation process. <br>The software operation of this equipment is very simple. <br>First, I will show you how to import the software, parameter adjustment, and three-chuck. Action debugging <br><br>Next, I will introduce you to several major advantages of <br>the software. 1 The software supports real-time compensation of pipe center deviation. The <br>main reason most customers or partners have been exposed to is that the actual cutting deviation gradually increases due to the error of the pipe itself. Real-time deviation compensation is to set a fixed distance to compensate the pipe deviation during cutting, and recalibrate the cutting center to achieve higher cutting accuracy. <br><br><br>2 The software adopts a bus system, the corresponding time is faster, combined with private server follow-up receiving, the corner following is more stable, the corner cutting speed is faster, and the cutting quality is higher. <br><br>3 The next step is to support three-chuck pull cutting, zero tail cutting , Hollow chuck feeding cutting, this has been demonstrated to you just now with actual actions, so I won’t elaborate on it too much! <br><br><br>ok This is the end of the function demonstration of the three-chuck device. Now we simply share a few tips for pipe processing.<br><br>1 关于薄管过烧的问题,有的管材由于壁厚过薄,管径太小,所以有时候功率太强就会出现过烧的问题,除了调节工艺参数以外,还有一个更快的解决办法,就是将更小的管材放入被切割管材的内部,当然管径的大小有要求,最好是大于管材的的二分之一,小雨管材的三分之二,因为太小了,不能完全有效的解决,有的时候不能完全阻挡激光的光线,还是会过烧,太大了就会出现内管和外管的粘连.<br><br>2第二,关于厚管焊缝的问题,因为管材壁厚的原因,所以管材衔接点大多都会有一条壁厚大小的焊缝,类似的问题如果大家想彻底解决,必须要5轴激光切管机,采取bevel cutting,但是5轴激光切管机,价格太高了,有些客人可能暂时负担不起,下面给大家分享个小诀窍,有些管材可以用更改图纸设计方案的方法来解决<br>下面给大家展示一下同样的图纸要求,不同俄设计方案所带来的不同效果<br><br>3接下来给大家分享的是关于防护栏行业的管材加工技巧<br>大家都知道防护栏以方管和圆管为主,最主要的难点就是对穿孔和焊接点的对接<br>关于对穿孔,首先需要完美的机器精度,保证管材能准确地对穿,这个问题我们的激光机器能保证切管精度对对穿孔工艺精度。<br><br>我想对大家讲的是激光切管在这个行业本身实际应用中比精度更重要的是效率,1 管材穿插的时间,2工人焊接的时间<br>为什么这么讲因为护栏有很多管材需要穿插,如果管径和孔径是一样大的,管材穿插起来会很慢,特别是一根竖管材需要横穿两个横栏的情况下,精度越准确,穿插速度越慢,因为会有摩擦力,所以建议大家把实际的切割孔径放大,这样穿插起来速度就会很快,当然具体大多少,我们建议外接圆大0.1mm 既能保证效率,也能保证稳固<br><br>第二点就是焊接时间<br>Everyone in this industry generally does intersecting welding. The laser pipe cutting machine is very suitable for intersecting cutting. Both the efficiency and accuracy are much higher than the traditional process. However, the wheelless traditional pipe processing or the laser cutting pipe processing is for the welding workers. The requirements are very high. Because the length is just right, the welding will be unstable, and the welding will be slightly inclined. <br>The solution we give everyone is not to do intersecting cutting, but to make the workpiece longer and do flat cutting. In this way, the pipe is directly inserted into the pipe, the work of the welder to stabilize the pipe will be greatly shortened, the installation efficiency will be improved, the <br>installation result will be more stable, and the welding time will be greatly shortened. <br><br>Okay, I will share with you the tips for pipe processing. Due to time, we can’t share more with you online. If you have any questions about the processing technology, you can leave a message online, and we will reply to you one by one.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Next, to show you the second advantage of the three-card disk, can meet the cutting tail requirements of customers.<br><br>As we all know, the two-card machine, because of the distance between the front and rear chucks, and the rear chuck needs to clamp the pipe, so the pipe laser head in this area is not able to cut to the part of the area,<br>Three cards effectively solve the problem, let's take a look at the action demonstration of this function.<br><br>Of course this feature is suitable for those who require high finishing volume, as some laser companies have two-pack tails higher than 200 mm or even close to 300 mm, which is a great waste for customers. Of course, our company's two-dial equipment has now achieved the shortest tail up to 70mm,<br><br>Just have a guest message asked about the three-card software operation process.<br>The software operation of the device is very simple.<br>First of all, to show you how to import software, parameter adjustment, three-card action debugging.<br><br>Second, let us introduce the software's several advantages.<br>1 The software supports real-time compensation for tube center deviations, which most guests or partners have been exposed to.<br>The main reason is because of the pipe's own error, resulting in the actual cutting deviation gradually increased, the deviation real-time compensation is to set a fixed distance at the cutting time to compensate the pipe deviation, from the new calibration cutting center, in order to achieve higher cutting accuracy.<br><br>2 The software adopts the bus system, the corresponding time faster combined with private suit follow-up material, corner follows more stable, is the corner cutting faster, cutting quality is higher.<br><br>3 next is to support three-card pull material cutting, zero tail cutting, hollow chuck feed cutting, this just gave everyone with the actual action demonstration, no longer too much to explain! <br><br>OK three-card device function to demonstrate this, now we simply share a few pipe processing tips.<br><br>1 on the problem of thin pipe over-burning, some pipe because the wall is too thin, the pipe diameter is too small, so sometimes the power is too strong will appear over-burning problem, in addition to adjusting the process parameters, there is a faster solution, is to put the smaller pipe into the cutting pipe inside, of course, the size of the pipe diameter is required, preferably more than half of the pipe, two-thirds of the light pipe, because it is too small, can not be completely effective in solving, sometimes can not be completely blocked by the laser, or not Too big will appear the internal tube and the outer tube of the adhesion.<br><br>2 second, about the problem of thick pipe welds, because of the reasons for the thick pipe wall, so the pipe connection point will mostly have a wall thickness-sized weld, similar problems if you want to completely solve, must be 5-axis laser pipe cutter, take bevel, but 5-axis laser pipe cutting machine, the price is too high, some guests may temporarily can not afford, some of the following pipe can be used to change the design of the drawing method to solve.<br>Below to show you the same drawing requirements, different Russian design solutions bring different effects.<br><br>3 Next to share for you is about the protective bar industry pipe processing skills.<br>We all know that the protective bar is mainly the tube and the round tube, the main difficulty is the perforation and welding point docking.<br>Regarding perforation, first of all, the perfect machine accuracy is needed to ensure that the pipe can be accurately worn, this problem our laser machine can guarantee the precision of the cut pipe to the perforation process accuracy.<br><br>I would like to tell you that the laser cutting tube in the industry itself in the practical application than precision is more important than efficiency, 1 pipe interspersed time, 2 workers welding time.<br>Why so because the guardrail has a lot of pipe to be interspersed, if the pipe diameter and aperture are the same large, pipe penetration will be very slow, especially a vertical pipe needs to cross the two bars, the accuracy is more accurate, the slower the penetration speed, because there will be friction, so suggest that we will be the actual cutting hole diameter zoom, so the penetration speed will be very fast, of course, the size of the outer ring 0.1mm can also ensure efficiency.<br><br>The second point is welding time.<br>The industry will generally do the cross-mouth welding, laser pipe cutting machine is very suitable for cross-mouth cutting, regardless of efficiency or precision is much higher than the traditional process, but no wheel traditional pipe processing or laser pipe processing, the requirements of welding workers master are very high, because the length is just good, there will be welding instability, slightly tilted,<br>Our solution for everyone is not to do the cut, but the work piece to do long, do flat cut, so directly insert the pipe into the tube inside, welder stable pipe work will be greatly shortened, installation efficiency improved.<br>The more robust the installation results, the welding time will be greatly reduced.<br><br>Well, pipe processing tips to share here, due to time reasons, we can not share more on the line for everyone, we have questions about the processing process, you can leave a message online, we will give you a reply.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
Next, we will show you the second advantage of the three chuck, which can meet the requirements of customers with cutting tailings<br>As we all know, for the machine with two chucks, because there is a distance between the front chuck and the rear chuck, and at the same time, the pipe laser head in this area cannot cut to the part of the area,<br>Three chuck effectively solve the problem, let's take a look at the function of the action demonstration<br>Of course, this function is suitable for customers who have high requirements for processing large amount of tailings, because some laser companies' two chuck tails are higher than 200 mm or even close to 300 mm, which is a great waste to customers. Of course, our company's two chuck equipment has achieved the shortest tailings of 70mm,<br>A guest has just left a message asking about the operation process of the three chuck software<br>The software operation of the device is very simple<br>First of all, I will show you how to import software, parameter adjustment, three chuck action debugging<br>Secondly, we will introduce the advantages of the software<br>The software supports real-time compensation of pipe center deviation, which most customers or partners have contacted<br>The main reason is that the actual cutting deviation is gradually increased due to the pipe's own error. The real-time deviation compensation is to set a fixed distance to compensate the deviation of the pipe when cutting, so as to calibrate the cutting center again, so as to achieve higher cutting accuracy.<br>2. The software adopts bus system, the corresponding time is faster, combined with the private server follow-up material, the corner follow is more stable, the corner cutting speed is faster, the cutting quality is higher<br>The next step is to support the three chuck drawing cutting, zero tailing cutting, hollow chuck feeding cutting. This has been demonstrated with actual action just now, so we will not explain it too much!<br>OK three chuck equipment function demonstration here, now we simply share a few tube processing tips<br>One As for the problem of over burning of thin pipes, some pipes have too thin wall thickness and small pipe diameter, so sometimes the problem of over burning will occur if the power is too strong. In addition to adjusting the process parameters, there is a faster solution, which is to put the smaller pipe into the inner part of the pipe to be cut. Of course, the size of the pipe diameter has requirements, and it is better to be greater than half of the pipe, Xiaoyu pipe Two thirds, because it is too small, can not completely solve the problem, sometimes can not completely block the laser light, or burning, too large will appear inside and outside tube adhesion<br>2. For the problem of thick pipe welding seam, because of the wall thickness of the pipe, most of the pipe joints will have a weld of wall thickness. If you want to solve the similar problems thoroughly, you must use the 5-axis laser pipe cutting machine, and adopt the bevel cutting machine, but the 5-axis laser pipe cutting machine, The price is too high. Some customers may not be able to afford it for the time being. Let's share a little trick. Some pipes can be solved by changing the design scheme of drawings<br>Let's show you the same drawing requirements, different Russian design schemes bring different effects<br>Next, I'd like to share with you the pipe processing skills of the fence industry<br>As we all know, the protective fence is mainly composed of square and round pipes, and the main difficulty is the butt joint of perforation and welding points<br>First of all, we need to ensure the accuracy of the machine in piercing the tube.<br>What I want to tell you is that in the practical application of laser pipe cutting in the industry itself, the more important thing is the efficiency, 1. The time for pipe interpenetration, 2. The time for workers to weld<br>Why? Because there are a lot of pipes in the guardrail that need to be interpenetrated. If the diameter of the pipe is the same as the diameter of the hole, the more accurate the accuracy is, the slower the insertion speed will be. Because there will be friction, it is recommended that we enlarge the actual cutting aperture, so that the interpenetration speed will be very fast However, we suggest that the circumscribed circle should be larger than 0.1 mm to ensure both efficiency and stability<br>The second point is the welding time<br>In this industry, people generally do the welding of the intersection. The laser pipe cutting machine is very suitable for the intersection cutting, and the efficiency and precision are much higher than the traditional process. However, the requirements for the welding workers are very high for the wheelless traditional pipe processing or the laser pipe cutting pipe processing. Because the length is just good, there will be unstable welding and slight inclination,<br>The solution we give you is that instead of cutting through the intersection, we should make the workpiece long and cut flat. In this way, the pipe can be directly inserted into the pipe. The welder's work of stabilizing the pipe will be greatly shortened and the installation efficiency will be improved<br>If the installation result is more stable, the welding time will be greatly shortened.<br>OK, let's share the pipe processing tips here. Due to time, we can't share more with you online. If you have any questions about the processing technology, you can leave a message online, and we will reply to you one by one.
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