

此次手术后24个月后患者肿瘤再次复发增大,并且向深部发展侵袭了多根血管,我们再次进行了手术切除,并结扎了右侧颈浅静脉及右侧锁骨下静脉。万幸的是患者已经建立了侧枝循环,术后右侧手臂并未收到功能影响。第3次手术后患者的肿瘤在术后6个月再次复发并进行了第4次姑息性的切除(图6)。恶性神经鞘瘤(Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors)简称MPNST,占软组织肉瘤的4%-10%。在人群中发病率约为0.001%。恶性神经鞘瘤起源于周围神经的Schwann氏鞘,多发于头、颈、四肢、骨盆等处,少发于胸壁,甚至有人报道发生于心脏、鼻及鼻中隔的恶性神经鞘瘤。恶性周围神经鞘瘤(MPNST)是侵袭性肉瘤,MPNST可以归类为:与1型神经纤维瘤病(neurofibromatosis type 1,NF1)相关的病例(占病例的50%),散发性的(占病例的40%)和辐射诱发的病例(占病例的10%。通常在发展而来。与NF1无关的恶性神经鞘瘤称为散发的恶性神经鞘瘤(sMPNST)。恶性神经鞘瘤易发生于中青年,生长迅速,与NF1相关时预后更差,易转移。从1963年至2012年的综合文献荟萃分析表明,与非NF1患者相比,患有NF1综合征的患者MPNST的转归明显较差。但是,近年来NF1患者的存活率有所提高,并且存活率差异正在缩小。与女性相比,男性被诊断出患有MPNST的比例更高(分别为56%和44%)。在一项对95名MPNST患者进行的研究中,Hwang, I. K等人发现NF-MPNST患者的中位年龄显着较低(sMPNST为32岁vs. 45岁,p=0.012)。在一项有1047名患者参与的关于不同人种MPNST的研究中Erin C. Peckham‐Gregory等人发现与白人和其他少数群体相比,黑人的MPNST发生率最高。MPNST与高死亡率相关,几乎没有可改变的危险因素,而当前的分期系统可能无法充分预测生存率。作为原发肿瘤,恶性神经鞘瘤的起因并不明确,Nikhil K. Murthy等人的一项个案报道里发现首例在临床表现与周围神经肿瘤相同的神经区域显示出带状疱疹带状疱疹的病例。这支持了他们的假设,即VZV致癌基因与宿主免疫系统之间复杂而鲜为人知的相互作用可能是导致周围神经肿瘤(良性和恶性)的起因。恶性神经鞘瘤的组织学诊断比较困难,因为其与神经鞘瘤和神经纤维瘤的组织形态很相似。恶性神经鞘瘤的特征是苍白的梭形细胞通常排列在束状细胞中,具有交替的细胞和粘液状基质。典型的免疫组化观察包括S100(钙结合基序作为施万细胞标记),Ki-67(细胞增殖的核非组蛋白蛋白标记),TP53(用于转化的肿瘤抑制物标记)的原位抗体研究和CD34(唾液白蛋白糖蛋白为非特异性内皮细胞和造血干细胞标记)和p16INK4a(在MPNST中不活跃的细胞周期抑制蛋白标记。
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Twenty-four months after the operation, the patient's tumor recurred and increased again, and deepened multiple blood vessels. We performed surgical resection again, and ligated the right superficial jugular vein and the right subclavian vein. <br>Fortunately, the patient has established a collateral circulation, and the function of the right arm has not been affected after the operation. <br>After the third surgery, the patient's tumor recurred again 6 months after surgery and underwent a fourth palliative resection (Figure 6). <br>Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) for short, account for 4%-10% of soft tissue sarcomas. <br>The incidence rate in the population is about 0.001%. <br>Malignant schwannomas originate from Schwann's sheath of peripheral nerves. They mostly occur in the head, neck, limbs, pelvis, etc., but rarely in the chest wall. Some people even reported malignant schwannomas that occurred in the heart, nose, and nasal septum. <br>Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) is an aggressive sarcoma. MPNST can be classified as: cases related to neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) (accounting for 50% of cases), sporadic (accounting for cases) 40% of cases) and radiation-induced cases (10% of cases. It <br>usually develops. <br>Malignant schwannomas not related to NF1 are called sporadic malignant schwannomas (sMPNST). <br>Malignant schwannomas tend to occur in Young, fast-growing, worse prognosis when associated with NF1, and easy to metastasize. <br>A comprehensive literature meta-analysis from 1963 to 2012 showed that patients with NF1 syndrome had significantly worse outcomes from MPNST compared with non-NF1 patients . <br>However, in recent years has increased the survival rate of patients with NF1, and the survival rate difference is narrowing. <br>compared with women, a higher proportion of men diagnosed with MPNST of (56% and 44%, respectively).<br>In a study of 95 MPNST patients, Hwang, I. K and others found that the median age of NF-MPNST patients was significantly lower (sMPNST was 32 years vs. 45 years, p=0.012). <br>In a study of MPNST of different races involving 1047 patients, Erin C. Peckham-Gregory et al. found that blacks had the highest incidence of MPNST compared with whites and other minority groups. <br>MPNST is associated with high mortality and there are few risk factors that can be changed, and the current staging system may not be able to fully predict survival. <br>As the primary tumor, the cause of malignant schwannoma is not clear. A case report by Nikhil K. Murthy et al. found that the first case of herpes zoster in the same nerve area as the peripheral nerve tumor was found Case. <br>This supports their hypothesis that the complex and little-known interaction between the VZV oncogene and the host immune system may be the cause of peripheral nerve tumors (benign and malignant). <br>The histological diagnosis of malignant schwannomas is difficult because it is similar to schwannomas and neurofibromas. <br>Malignant schwannomas are characterized by pale spindle cells usually arranged in fascicular cells with alternating cells and mucus-like stroma. <br>Typical immunohistochemical observations include S100 (calcium-binding motif as a Schwann cell marker), Ki-67 (nuclear non-histone protein marker for cell proliferation), TP53 (tumor suppressor marker for transformation) in situ antibody Research and CD34 (saliva albumin glycoprotein is a marker for non-specific endothelial cells and hematopoietic stem cells) and p16INK4a (a cell cycle inhibitory protein marker that is inactive in MPNST.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Twenty-four months after the operation, the patient's tumor relapsed and increased, and the development to the deep part struck many blood vessels, which we had again surgically removed and tied the shallow vein in the right neck and the under-the-bone vein in the right collarbone.<br>Fortunately, the patient has established a lateral branch circulation, and the right arm has not received functional effects after surgery.<br>After the third operation, the patient's tumor recured again six months after the operation and underwent a fourth palliative excision (Figure 6).<br>Malignant neuropathy ( MMST ) for short , accounts for 4% to 10% of soft tissue sarcoma .<br>The incidence rate in the population is about 0.001 per cent.<br>Malignant neuroblastoma originated in the peripheral nerve of Schwann's crucible, often in the head, neck, limbs, pelvis and so on, less in the chest wall, and even some people reported occurring in the heart, nose and nose in the nasal compartment of malignant neuroblastoma.<br>Malignant peripheral neuroblastoma (MPNST) is an invasive sarcoma, MPNST can be classified as: cases associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (neurofibromatosis type 1, NF1), distributive (40% of cases) and radiation-induced cases (10% of cases).<br>Usually in development.<br>Malignant neuropathic tumors not related to NF1 are called emitted malignant neuropathy (sMPNST).<br>Malignant neuroblastoma is prone to occur in middle and young people, grows rapidly, and the prognosis associated with NF1 is worse and easily metastasized.<br>A comprehensive literature-gathering analysis from 1963 to 2012 showed that MPNST was significantly worse in patients with NF1 syndrome than in non-NF1 patients.<br>However, the survival rate of NF1 patients has improved in recent years, and the difference in survival rate is narrowing.<br>Men were diagnosed with MPNST at a higher rate (56 per cent and 44 per cent, respectively) than women.<br>In a study of 95 MPNST patients, Hwang, I. K et al. found significantly lower median age in NF-MPNST patients (sMPNST was 32 years vs. 45 years old, p-0.012).<br>In a study of 1,047 patients on different ethnic groups, Erin C. Peckham-Gregory and others found that blacks had the highest incidence of MPNST compared to whites and other minorities.<br>MPNST is associated with high mortality rates and has few variable risk factors, and the current staging system may not adequately predict survival rates.<br>The cause of malignant neuroblastoma as an primary tumor is not clear, and a case report by Nikhil K. Murthy et al. found the first case of shingles shingles shingles in the same neuroregion clinically shown in the same neuroregion as the peripheral neurotumor.<br>This supports their hypothesis that the complex and little-known interaction between the VZV cancer-causing gene and the host immune system may be the cause of peripheral neurotumors (benign and malignant).<br>Histological diagnosis of malignant neuropathy is difficult because it is similar to the tissue form of neuropathy and neurofibromatoma.<br>Malignant neuroblastomas are characterized by pale shuttle cells usually arranged in beam cells, with alternating cells and mucus-like substrates.<br>Typical immunohistized observations include S100 (calcium binding base sequence as a marker of serpentine cells), Ki-67 (nucleoprotein marker for cell proliferation), in situ antibody studies and CD34 (salivary albumin for non-specific endothelial cell and hematopoietic stem cell markers), and p16INK4a (cell cycle inhibitor markers in MPSTN.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
24 months after the operation, the tumor recurred and enlarged again, and developed to the deep, invading multiple blood vessels. We resected the tumor again and ligated the right superficial jugular vein and the right subclavian vein.<br>Fortunately, the patient has established collateral circulation, and the right arm has not been affected.<br>After the third operation, the tumor recurred again 6 months after operation and a fourth palliative resection was performed (Fig. 6).<br>Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) account for 4% - 10% of soft tissue sarcomas.<br>The incidence rate is about 0.001% in the population.<br>Malignant schwannoma originated from Schwann's sheath of peripheral nerve, mostly in head, neck, limbs, pelvis and other places, rarely in chest wall. Some people even reported malignant schwannoma in heart, nose and nasal septum.<br>Malignant peripheral neurilemmoma (MPNST) is an aggressive sarcoma. MPNST can be classified into: cases associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) (50%), sporadic (40%) and radiation-induced (10%).<br>It's usually developed.<br>Malignant schwannoma unrelated to NF1 is called sporadic malignant schwannoma (smpnst).<br>Malignant schwannoma is easy to occur in young and middle-aged people, and grows rapidly. When it is related to NF1, the prognosis is worse and it is easy to metastasize.<br>Meta analysis of the comprehensive literature from 1963 to 2012 showed that patients with NF1 syndrome had significantly poorer outcomes of MPNST than patients without NF1.<br>However, in recent years, the survival rate of NF1 patients has improved, and the difference in survival rate is narrowing.<br>Men were more likely to be diagnosed with MPNST than women (56% and 44%, respectively).<br>In a study of 95 patients with MPNST, Hwang, I. K. et al. Found that the median age of patients with nf-mpnst was significantly lower (32 years vs. 45 years, P = 0.012).<br>In a study of 1047 patients with MPNST of different races, Erin C. Peckham ‐ Gregory et al. Found that black people had the highest incidence of MPNST compared with whites and other minority groups.<br>MPNST is associated with high mortality, with few modifiable risk factors, and current staging systems may not adequately predict survival.<br>As a primary tumor, the cause of malignant schwannoma is not clear. In a case report by Nikhil K. Murthy et al., it was found that the first case showed herpes zoster and herpes zoster in the nerve region with the same clinical manifestations as peripheral nerve tumor.<br>This supports their hypothesis that the complex and unknown interaction between VZV oncogene and host immune system may be the cause of peripheral nerve tumors (benign and malignant).<br>The histological diagnosis of malignant schwannoma is difficult because it is similar to schwannoma and neurofibroma.<br>Malignant schwannoma is characterized by pale spindle cells, usually arranged in fascicular cells, with alternate cells and mucinous matrix.<br>Typical immunohistochemical observations include S100 (calcium binding motif as Schwann cell marker), Ki-67 (nuclear non histone protein marker for cell proliferation), TP53 (tumor suppressor marker for transformation), CD34 (salivary albumin glycoprotein is a nonspecific marker of endothelial cells and hematopoietic stem cells) and p16INK4a (cell cycle inhibition that is inactive in MPNST) Preparation of protein marker.
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